How to be an Optimist (Glass Half Full or Half Empty)

    When we think of an optimistic person, the caricature of someone super happy and believing that everything will work out in their life in a naive and even ridiculous way comes to mind.

    This caricature of the blind optimist does not match the true optimist. The true optimist does not ignore the downside or the challenges that life presents. On the contrary, he recognizes these obstacles and works to overcome them. And how does he do it? In the best way there is: with optimism.

    The optimist sees the positive side of situations, considers the resources he has and optimizes them to overcome the resources he doesn't have or that are not good. That is, he looks at the negative side with positive eyes and tries to get the best out of it.

    How to be an Optimist (Glass Half Full or Half Empty)Being optimistic nowadays should be something easy and common, since we live in a world of facilities, where we have access to everything with ease and, therefore, finding practical solutions should be part of our daily lives. But that's not quite what happens.

    Many (and many!) people currently live with their minds covered by clouds of sadness, anguish, pain and suffering. Depressions, anxieties, phobias are as common today as colds and flu.

    And unfortunately, trust, hope and positive thinking don't make it into our list of personal adjectives and priorities easily.

    Therefore, talking about optimism is the same as talking about utopia.

    But how to reverse this situation, how to be optimistic in a world that seems to cherish depressing situations that put you down? When pain and suffering seem to be the normal state and good and joyful feelings are out of the norm?

    Well, optimism is an essential part of us, in a world of uncertainties where everything good seems to fall apart in the air and is soon taken by contempt and denied as an essential affection. We must invite ourselves and others too, why not, for a recognition and reorganization of our affective priorities.

    You start to have optimistic attitudes...

    • Being optimistic means trusting yourself and others sometimes. Trust that looking on the bright side and being positive in situations will bring benefits, even if in the long run.
    • We are very immediate, we want results for today (or yesterday) and for not seeing things happening here and now, we soon give up and then comes the feeling of frustration or failure.
    • Recognize that you will suffer the consequences of good and bad things that happen to you, but how you will react to each one of them will make the difference between being optimistic or not. So, learn to deal with and reduce worries, face situations head on, trying to look for the positive aspect, so it becomes easier to find practical and viable solutions.
    • Don't get carried away by emotions, try not to make the famous “storms in a teapot” hastily, keep your mind calm and open. Often, the solution is in front of us, but because we do not correctly tune our emotions, our vision is obscured and we do not see the solution that is so close and simple.
    • Map your mind, the more we get to know each other, the easier we deal with the range of feelings that can arise in the face of an obstacle. Talk to yourself, listen to your thoughts in different situations in your life and try to select whether they are mostly optimistic or pessimistic. Explore them to the fullest. Know them, so it will be easier to get the expected results when they arise.
    • Observe what is positive in your life, try to list these aspects, enumerate them, reflect, in short, try to see them. They are there, for sure. Ultimately, you are alive—that's a good thing.
    • Now, imagine what your life would be like without these things. Do the reverse exercise, what would your life be like without each of these items you found. Imagine your life without those good things that you most likely love. How would you feel without them?
    • Now, go back to imagining the positive things on your list with gratitude. Give thanks for their existence and permanence in your life.
    • Smile whenever you can, even without a (good) reason. Smiling is a habit and brings benefits to your physical and emotional health.
    • Always be positive in your attitudes. Being optimistic is also something you learn, it's a daily practice and it's never too late to change, start something new and beneficial in your life. Look at things on the bright side, on the bright side. Make the best of every situation. Examine the negatives (without pessimism) and try to find ways to overcome them. Get over them. Get over yourself.

    Ultimately, to become an optimistic person, the first and last step comes from a desire to improve your life. Certainly, having optimistic attitudes, seeing the positive aspects, looking for the good side of life will only bring advantages and benefits.

    At the end of the day, whether your glass is half-full or half-empty doesn't matter as much if you're feeling full of optimism to face whatever comes your way. What you will see will be a glass with enough content for your needs.

    May optimism spring from your heart and mind so that you can conquer your dreams!

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