How positive affirmations work on your unconscious

Today, I would like to talk about positive affirmations regarding physical and emotional health. And at the end of this article you will find some affirmations to practice daily. Many people believe that positive affirmations don't work or are unimportant. And in fact, they may not really work. So I want you to understand the mechanism behind them.

Affirmations will only work if worked with emotions. And do you know why? The reason is that emotion is the language of the unconscious. And he only understands that something is true if we are emotional. So, for us to adopt new postures that are in accordance with the statements we want, we will need to convince you! And we will do this through emotion. So if we just speak nice words, without any emotion involved, they will be like words thrown to the wind. The unconscious will not be convinced, and you will continue to have the same mental patterns about yourself, your life, your health, people, anyway... That's why we need to be emotional when making the affirmations! It is important to know this, because it is the unconscious that most of the time guides us in life.

How positive affirmations work on your unconscious

In order for us to adopt new thoughts and new actions, we will need to feel who we are. And I make a point of using the word FEEL that we are, instead of believing. They are different senses. But then how do I do it if I don't believe right now that I'm healthy, for example? That's where positive affirmations come in. You don't have to believe it initially. What you need to do is imagine and feel yourself as you speak, because the unconscious doesn't know what is true or not, it just believes as long as you send it feelings. You can start the affirmations, even if at first you don't believe it, because this will gradually convince the unconscious. BUT, as long as you put EMOTION when repeating! It's like every day you take a dose of a healing medicine. The cure for the soul! But again, remember, you will need to trigger the emotion for it to work!

Let's see an example! When I have thoughts that I am a healthy person, I speak, repeat expressions and words of healthy people. I know and feel like a healthy person. Therefore, this also leads me to behave like healthy people. That is, I eat, take care of myself, exercise physically, take care of my spirit, because health also encompasses my emotions, thoughts and feelings. I meditate, I relax, I have fun, I say prayers, I do positive affirmations. And if it happens for some reason that an illness is attracted to the physical body, the spirit will remain healthy. Once you have peace, and that peace, that healthy thought, is able to change every cell, and even bring about healing. And that's why we see miracles.

How positive affirmations work on your unconscious

This leads us to question: why do some people cure themselves and others not, when they acquire the same disease? Is one better than the other? Is it karma that makes them pay for something? Will it be God? So are there differences and privileges in the Universe? Not. I prefer to believe that it is the mental pattern of each of them.
I know that many are worried about their health at this time we are experiencing. According to Louise Hay in her book, โ€œLove Yourself and Heal Your Lifeโ€, we contribute to every illness in our body because it is a reflection of our inner beliefs and thoughts. And that every cell of our organism reacts to every thought. In the face of this, let's not focus on the disease at this time of a world pandemic! Let's keep doing the care, protection and measures to keep us healthy!

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And now that you know how this process works, we can make positive affirmations. Come on!

How positive affirmations work on your unconscious
Marc Oliver/Unsplash
  • I am well and safe at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. This love that I call God, this Greater Force, Creator of the Universe
  • I am pure energy and therefore I am willing to conquer the life I desire for myself.
  • The healing grace is able to change all my cells
  • I am a miracle of life
  • I am a miracle of creation
  • Before I was even formed, God first loved me
  • I am healthy, for I was raised in the wildest perfection of life.
  • My organs function in God's perfect order
  • I choose to be guided by thoughts of peace, healing, love and health.
  • I release myself from the time that is gone...
  • I choose forgiveness
  • I nourish my body cells with thoughts of light
  • I am eternal gratitude
  • I am gratitude to life
  • life is my friend
  • Everything, everything, everything that happens is contributing to my best. I have humble to accept this
  • I do
  • I do
  • I'm in perfect safety
  • God's light is with me
  • I am protected
  • God guides me
  • I let my life develop
  • I know that everything is for my best
  • I love myself!
  • I forgive myself!
  • I break free!
  • And allow myself to be free!
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