How is it possible to connect with Universe? How to get out of the conflict cycle and enter the universal flow?

    To get in alignment with the Universe, it is necessary to get in tune and in connection with the full mind, with the complete, integral mind, with the mind of infinite possibilities; that is, with the mind of God. And the way to achieve this is through diving into the depths and wonderful gems of the unconscious and raising vibrational frequencies through feelings. The higher your feelings, the closer and more connected to the Universe you will be. The more relaxed, in the present and in the meditative process you can place yourself, the better to enter this connection, as you will place yourself closer and closer to the Greater Consciousness and the Basis of All Existence. The more we are able to do this, the more we will experience the feeling of fullness, peace and, consequently, alignment with the Universe. I believe that entering the universal flow is the desire and quest of every human being on this planet. Although most people are not clear about this, unconsciously everyone is looking for this connection, as everyone seeks happiness and completeness... .” I mean, I believe that all human beings do what they do with one simple purpose: BE HAPPY.

    And then, since this is the case, why do most people experience more and more conflict in different areas of their lives? And why is it so difficult for most to achieve this connection with the Universe? Precisely because they live in the limitations of the ego, in mental control, because they often believe only in material reality, in the reality exposed and presented before their eyes and perceived by their senses, because they seek β€œonly” fulfillment in their physical worlds, and especially , because they believe that they can solve life's challenges just by using their conscious minds. It's easier to believe in what you can see, hear, touch, smell, in short… In other words, it's easier to believe in the material world of the 5 senses. And it's easier to believe that solutions will come from rationalization. Therefore, these people become their own obstacles when it comes to connecting to the Universe, as they do not allow themselves to distance themselves from the mind and rationalization. They believe, for example, that if their current reality is chaotic, it will only be possible to change it through the control of the ego and their minds.

    How is it possible to connect with Universe? How to get out of the conflict cycle and enter the universal flow?
    Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

    We perceive the environment through our 5 senses, but what we experience with our senses is not exactly reality, but the interpretation of that reality. Neuroscience explains, for example, that when we come into contact with any image, the brain immediately combines the signals that reach the retina with certain preexisting models. The cerebral cortex decodes, interprets and deduces what it believes is likely to be reality. Which doesn't mean it's reality. In this sense, reality is also interpreted and subjective. The simple fact of understanding this will help you to realize, for example, that many of the conflicts experienced in your material life can be resolved through your connection with the Source, with the Universe, as long as you expand your consciousness and enter the powerful terrain of the unconscious. You will need to seek knowledge, study, self-knowledge, but you will also – and above all – need the practice of meditation, silence and relaxation.

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    Yes, my dear readers, this is a process that requires effort and dedication. It is a continuous, uninterrupted and forever work. It is a work that will gradually make us grow in the scale of our evolution. Only in this way, little by little, will we be connecting more and more to the Universe.

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