How does the destruction of forests influence writing?

Can the destruction of a forest end all writers? Do you want to be a writer? Do you think you have to worry about the destruction of forests in order to make your dreams come true?

I don't know if you know, but 25/7 is the day we celebrate "Writer's Day".

Yes, a whole day dedicated to the art of writing, and how good it is for us, because through writing we transmit knowledge, we put our anxieties, anxieties and desires in that text.

Have you ever thought about being a writer? A lot of people have this dream, to be a renowned writer, the one who releases books that become best sellers, and I believe this is something that really is a very noble ideal of life. Because wanting to transmit knowledge through the art of writing is indeed a noble ideal.

I would even go so far as to say that it could be the life mission of some people, because if it weren't for books, how would knowledge be transmitted to this day.

I know, you will say that books did not always exist… but books also evolve and in the old days they could be represented by walls, where primitive peoples left their knowledge.

How does the destruction of forests influence writing?
Photo from Pixabay not Pexels

Then came the tablets, like the tablets of the Law of Moses, the tablets of Egypt… The papyri… Until we got to what we know today as books, correct?

Is today? We have the e-book, our digital book… but we still have the transmission of knowledge, that is, the book has not lost its function, and neither has the writer.

The great advantage of an e-book and of all this evolution is that we are going to use less paper, which as you know comes from trees, and which ends up destroying our forests.

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So you can't gain knowledge and destroy our planet, right?

We need to protect what is ours, and make this our cause: yes, write, yes, teach, but in an increasingly conscious way.

We don't need to put aside our dream as a writer, our desire to pass on knowledge and entertainment through books, without worrying about our planet.

This is more than ecologist talk. We are responsible for the planet we inhabit!

So think about it and remember our responsibility.

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