How does Nature reveal the Truth to us?

There was a time when human beings talked to Nature.

Everything was simpler and, by contemplating Nature, the human being was able to decipher its mysteries and secrets.

Over time, humanity began to distance itself from nature and simplicity, began to control, dominate and explore Nature to take possession of it, with the aim of enriching itself and having more power over others.

He ceased to perceive the force of Nature and began to live in search of becoming powerful.

Our ancestors knew the wisdom and truth expressed in the forces of Nature.

How does Nature reveal the Truth to us?

Did you know that:

O tidal flow reveals to us that everything in existence is cyclical, so our emotions come and go, we have ups and downs. Everything that once came, will one day leave!

O Salt shows us that our life is connected to the power of light and everything is energy!

O wind reminds us of the lightness that inhabits us and our yearning to fly!

O heaven that shelters us, under which so many ages, events, beings and peoples have passed, reminds us that, in the face of its immensity and grandeur, we are small and we need to keep humility, because our existence, on the face of the Earth, is fleeting and finite. !

How does Nature reveal the Truth to us?

As stars they signal, with their brightness and numerousness, that there is much life and many mysteries that we do not understand and reach!

The earth teaches us to give and receive in constant reciprocity with Nature, and man goes against this by wanting only to take for himself!

Living beings make up the diversity of creation and spirituality in action!

In this multiplicity, the unity moves, eternalizes and amplifies!

The truth reveals itself all the time and, distracted, we don't realize it!

To observe Nature and commune with it is to see and perceive the expression of truth and of God!

This is the return to the purity of BEING!

Now keep this video that reminds us that there was a time when everything was simpler and, in that simplicity, the human being was very close to Nature and had more contact with the Truth!

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