How do I connect to the Universe?

    If you've ever asked yourself this question, probably some discomfort, suffering or even curiosity hovers in your consciousness.

    We live in an era where we are technologically connected, but we have lost the most important connection we have: the connection to ourselves. We become addicted to the presence of some external stimulation and find it increasingly difficult to be alone with our thoughts.

    And because we are in this state, we feel alone, isolated, and the feeling of emptiness corrodes our interior, bringing physical and mental illnesses and a feeling of total disconnection with the Universe.

    And how to recover this connection? How to feel part of something bigger, something that is not palpable, much less visible?

    We have to go back inside. Without this movement of returning to our home, which is our body, our feeling, we will continue in an incessant search to compensate for what we lack and we will hardly connect to the Universe.

    We have the Universe within us. The more we recognize this, the channel that leads us to glimpse the beauties of life opens up to our senses.

    Start by being silent and silencing the outside world so that the inner world can bring you vision. In that sense, meditation is a great tool. Use it, practice it.

    If you have reached a stage where your concern is no longer just for the means of survival, possessions, career success, fun, distractions, but the fulfillment of your soul, realize that it is time to turn your gaze inward. .

    How do I connect to the Universe?
    Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

    This inward look can be accompanied by a deep investigation of who you are, your beliefs, your past, your pains, your resistances, your shadows... a real dive into what you are often unable to look at, because it really hurts. But if you are looking for a greater meaning in your existence, take this trip. Don't waste a lifetime living outside, for what others expect, for what society dictates, for standardization, for the framing of what could never be framed and standardized, which is to be Human, your ability to create and recreate, above all, a new being, a unique being.

    Due to the inability to deal with ourselves, what we have and what we are, we become grounded in the earth, anchored in problems and conflicts, so we close all possibilities of connection with the Universe.

    The way back is possible, but it requires a commitment from us, without rules and impositions, but with discipline, courage and love to understand what really matters.

    And what really matters?

    Perhaps one of the first questions to get out of the standardized and plasticized way of living.

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    And when you decide to question yourself, look at the sky, contemplate the stars. It may be that internal movement has a direct connection with the same force that acts on the stars and stars, a silent force that permeates everything, but that requires our will to manifest itselfโ€ฆ

    And when it manifests itself externally, you will realize that the Universe will be completely within you and you, within it.

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