How are you making your child naughty?

    Unfortunately, we tend to follow, and we've been taught that there is a certain sequence to life. We must grow up, work, get married and then, or as soon as possible, put a new life into the world. It doesn't matter if we have conditions – physical, psychological and financial – for this, after all, society expects us to do our part of “collaboration” and be fathers and mothers. It is the natural order of life, they will say. Unfortunately, most people follow this and do not question whether they are prepared to face the real challenge that is to educate, train and prepare a new person for life. Unfortunately, this is how unprepared, extremely rude, spoiled and boring citizens are born and grow up.

    I'm not saying here that I'm against children and that we need to do birth control. I just think that it is necessary to be aware that raising a child is an arduous task that requires a lot of preparation from the parents who propose. Don't worry about sleepless nights or the big expense of diapers, these will probably be the least of the challenges. A baby just needs the basics and a lot of love, but have you ever thought about what to do when he starts to be aware of the world around him, to have wants, desires and intentions? When does he start interacting with the world and being a real citizen no matter what you do? This is where I believe the real challenge begins. That's when you need to be human enough to be able to pass on basic principles of education, respect and good coexistence to your child.

    I repeat, however, that unfortunately many do not think about it. They don't weigh how they need to be intelligent, kind, polite and psychologically prepared to pass on principles that they often don't even have. It is important, for example, not always pass your hand on your child's head, let alone become a slave to this cute and small person. If he makes a mess in the room when playing, it's important to show him that it's necessary to put the toys away before the visit arrives and that this doesn't happen by miracle. Otherwise, when he grows up and has his own home, he can also expect that to happen. And then we'll have a big problem, won't we?

    Not to mention that it is necessary to have discernment and physical and mental disposition to educate even when you are tired after several sleepless nights and working for hours to support this cuteness. At these times we can also be endowed with a gigantic love and not think it right (and it really isn't) to take out any frustration of ours on the child. And then what many parents do is get their hands on the amount of love wrong and spoil the child to the extreme. “If I can't be physically present, I'll buy the best toys, electronics and make sure he has everything he wants”, they think. And that's it, I want to see you be able to explain to that person later that the world won't be nice like that and he'll have to fight to get everything he wants.

    How are you making your child naughty?

    At the other extreme, we have parents who cannot deal with the situation, but only realize it after the child is already a reality., and then they start to fight for some petty reason in front of the child. In this case, basically, he has two options, either he closes himself off to the world, certain that the problem is him, or he rebels against everything and everyone without even knowing why he does it.

    It's… a brief reflection and I'm sure I opened your eyes to a situation that isn't as natural as they preach, isn't it? Stay tuned, try to plan as much as possible this magical hour to bring the world a new life. Try to prepare for it and, if necessary, prepare yourself before. Do self-knowledge work and become a better human being so you can guide a new life too. Undoubtedly, this new life will also transform you considerably and teach you many things, many more you will learn together. Just be careful not to neglect a child or teenager, they are your fruits and need your guidance to find the best way to belong to this new world.

    Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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