How and where to find love

How and where to find love
In this month where we have a special day for lovers, advertisements and publicity appeals take over the media talking about gifts, showing images of couples and promoting all kinds of products.
How are those who are now alone?

If, during the whole year, you did a thousand things, traveled, had fun, studied, worked hard and didn't even have time to feel alone; at least this June 12th, you'll have to face the fact that you don't have a date to celebrate Valentine's Day; But who knows, if you start looking at it now and if you decide that you want to have someone and that this is important, you will be able to take some steps towards living this encounter.

It seems that in today's world, where most of the relationships are electronic, there is not much space for live and color meetings, especially because through relationship and friendship sites everything is easier, as there is not much exposure and the image created is the one you want to “sell”, but where are the “love at first sight” encounters.

Finding love and falling in love could be your new project and so let's treat it as such.

When you really want something, you need to ask yourself if what you want, suddenly arriving can bring a loss in some area of ​​your life, if the answer is yes, your system will surely boycott, because your Self never wants to lose anything .

Let's imagine that you value your freedom a lot, for unusual trips and outings and you find a partner who works a lot and doesn't like or can't travel and prefers more everyday and safe situations, maybe in this case, you feel trapped ( a), with your limited personal space, and of course, if you feel that way, your system will find a way out of this uncomfortable situation and then… bye relationship.

It is then necessary to align your desire for relationship with all the things you have in your life, negotiating first with yourself, a space for that person.

Having resolved the issue of opening this space for the entry of a person, it will be important to think about and write down the qualities and characteristics of this someone who fits perfectly into your life, this helps your mind to "focus" on what you want, so that you can take it (a) possible situations for this encounter.

The next and good step will be to first put yourself in a state of “passion”, that is, take care of yourself. When we are in love with someone, we take care of the look and pay more attention to the details that can make a difference to attract the other. Behaving as if you already have someone in the game makes your system believe that you are.

Other important ingredients to impress your mind on the certainty of this love is to create a climate of passion, do this by listening to love songs, watching movies on the subject, reading novels, and ensuring that all this generates a feeling of happiness, that everything in love works.

Enjoy and add to this project of yours the conversation with friends and family members who have a good relationship and ask them how they met, ask them to tell their meeting stories and who knows so you realize that love can be anywhere and very close to you, and all you have to do is stay alert.

Go to the places you normally go, parks, markets, gyms, but with more attention, with an investigative spirit and curiosity. Watch people, smile, greet strangers and spread your charisma and magnetism wherever you are, and then… it will only be a matter of time.

Being patient means believing that the best always comes and at the right time!

Good luck and may your project complete successfully.

Note: The term “system” is used by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) when referring to your Total Self (body, mind, emotion and spirit).

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