How about traveling by car once a month?

Each of us has different tastes and customs, as well as different dreams and desires. But traveling is undeniably a great taste for anyone, right? It's practically impossible to turn down an incredible travel offer, even if it's to the nearest beach or campsite for a weekend.

Inevitably, however, traveling costs money and we don't always have the money to invest in discovering new places or simply enjoying our free time in a destination that you already know, but really enjoy.

How about traveling by car once a month?

So, to help you travel more often than you're used to, we've separated some ideas. It's small actions that will make your life much more interesting and fun! The first of these is: your best friend could be a car. Yes, a car!

Although the most fun or interesting trips are, in the opinion of most, linked to planes and distant destinations, this does not always have to be true. An extremely rich and beautiful destination may be just a few hours away from you and, believe me, there are many roads with beautiful views for you to pass through.

Now, our mission is to help you travel more without spending a lot of money. As? Well, if you follow the tips below, this goal will surely be closer than you think. Enjoy!

carriage trip

Traveling by car is a lot of fun and can be a lot cheaper than a plane ticket. Of course, regardless of the destination, the car is not that fast, but it has one thing that no plane has: it is already part of the trip. Just turn on the radio to a song you like and enjoy time with your friends. Talk, enjoy the view, make stops to refuel (the car and yours).

rent a car

And even if you don't have a car, it won't be a problem. Nowadays, you don't have to spend a lot of money to rent a car, not to mention that the costs can be shared between travelers (including toll and fuel costs).

Open a travel savings

Okay, it's undeniable: you will need money. So, how about opening a savings account and committing to put a fixed amount on it monthly? Choose a comfortable amount for you and consider it as a monthly bill. Think of it this way: it's much easier to put in $50,00 a month than $300,00 all at once after six months.

Make a playlist that matches the destination

Prepare a flash drive with songs that match the destination and the musical taste of those who will be inside the car. This will make the journey much more enjoyable!

Look for free programs

Once you've arrived at your destination (or even before you travel), research free cultural programs. You will find that it is possible to have a lot of fun without spending money.

And here's another tip: beware of local tourist places and programs. Of course, it is very important to know and enjoy a little bit of everything, but usually places and tourist programs are much more expensive than what they should be – this is the famous law of supply and demand. So choose very well the ones you want to know.

Rethink your daily spending

Consider the following question for a minute: if you stop buying that snack from the bakery every morning, how much money will you have saved at the end of a month? What if that money could be used to save for your next trip? You would already have an extra amount to put in this month, in addition to what you are used to saving.

How about traveling by car once a month?

Think about your daily expenses and find something superfluous that you don't mind giving up. Swap a small everyday pleasure, which doesn't even make much difference in your day, for something bigger, like a super fun trip on the weekend or during your vacation. Suddenly, this amount is not enough to pay for your trip in full, but it will definitely help you with some expense.

Traveling will always be a great personal investment. While traveling, you can improve languages, discover new places, learn about new cultures or simply have fun and forget about the stress of everyday life. It sure is enriching and worth it! And with all these tips, you will surely be able to save enough money to enjoy your life much more.

So, what's your next destination?

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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