Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?

Holy Week is an important Christian event. For eight days, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are celebrated. Thus, the period is marked by feelings of faith, serenity, repentance and forgiveness.

In addition, each of the eight days of celebration has different characteristics, which can help you to broaden your contact with the religion. Next, learn more about Holy Week and about the rituals you can perform at that time.

Meaning of the days of Holy Week

When you hear about Holy Week, most people think of Palm Sunday and Good Friday. All the days that make up this period, however, have some importance. Learn the details about each one:

Palm Sunday

Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?
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Palm Sunday it is the first day of Holy Week, which marks the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Sitting on a donkey, a symbol of humility, he brought ideals of freedom, love and equality, being acclaimed by the entire population as if he were a king.

Christ was even received with palm and olive branches, which gave rise to the name of the day. At the same time, people who were against what Jesus taught began to devise a plot to get him out of this position of power and worship.

Therefore, Palm Sunday is a moment of exaltation of faith. That's when we must remember the teachings of Christ, prioritizing humility, kindness and care for those around us.

Holy Monday

Holy Monday mark the cleaning of the temple from Jerusalem. This is because Jesus Christ, after spending the night in Bethany, returned to Jerusalem and expelled the merchants who traded inside the Temple.

This attitude of Jesus was understood as rude by some, but the truth is that the son of God wanted to rescue the purpose of the Temple, which should be a place of prayers, not negotiations of any kind. In addition, Christ healed the sick who were there.

For this reason, Holy Monday is a time to remember the power of Jesus, the purity of prayers and the importance of dedicating oneself to faith, especially in the places that are intended for it.

Holy Tuesday

On Holy Tuesday, the authorities who were unhappy with Jesus' attitudes came to confront him. For them, he could not appoint himself a spiritual leader and make the changes he saw fit in Jerusalem.

As a consequence of this, those who were against Christ organized an ambush to arrest him, which failed. At this point, we began to identify that this figure of kindness and love was not loved by the most powerful, who feared losing the influence they had over the people.

Then, during Holy Tuesday, you must reinforce which side you are on. Did Jesus not win the support of the entire population, but did he win their support? Are you following His teachings or are you condemning the lessons He spread? It is important to reflect on this.

Holy Wednesday

Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?
JUAN CARLOS LEVA from Pexels / Canva

In the Bible, there is no accurate information about what Jesus did on Holy Wednesday. Despite that, he is believed to have remained in Bethany, with Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. It is important to remember that Lazarus was one of the miracles of Christ, who raised him, before that occasion.

When Holy Wednesday is celebrated in parishes across Spain, commemorations include the Procession of the Encounter, which recalls Jesus' encounter with his mother, Mary, during the Via Crucis.

So on that occasion, it is essential that we be inspired by Mary and by all the devotion she showed to Jesus Christ and to God, practicing the teachings of faith and valuing the unconditional love of divine figures for each one of us.

Holy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, one of the most important events in the history of Christ took place: the Last Supper, to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Among the 12 apostles, who would be people faithful to God and who believed in the word of Jesus, however, Christ began to feel that he would be betrayed by one of them.

Therefore, the Last Supper is not only a moment to spread equality and humility, especially because Jesus also washed the feet of the apostles on this day, but it is also the beginning of the farewell of Christ, who would be betrayed by Judas after dinner.

Thus, Holy Tuesday is an opportunity to think about trust. Are we betraying our principles or the people we love? Are we really living according to the teachings? What is keeping us away from true surrender to faith? Reflections like these are welcome.

Good friday

Also known as Good Friday, Good Friday it is the day that Jesus was judged, condemned, and crucified. Many do not understand the term “passion” associated with this moment, however it is appropriate because this Latin word means suffering.

This tragic event is the materialization of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself in the name of all humanity, taking on the sins they committed as if they were His.

In this way, Good Friday is the opportunity to repent of one's sins, to give thanks for the goodness of Christ and the sacrifice made by Him. Between celebrations, it is common to practice fasting and perform prayers.

Holy Saturday

Not Holy Saturday Jesus lies in the tomb that was built for him. So, until sunset, no celebrations or communion should be held in respect of this solemn period after the passing of Christ.

This, however, does not mean that Holy Saturday is an empty day. The time is reserved for meditating, reflecting on one's sins, connecting with one's faith and, at dusk, holding the Easter Vigil.

However, as Jews consider a day to end at dusk, the Easter Vigil, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, is usually celebrated on Easter Sunday. Even though Christ is no longer in the tomb on Saturday night, it is as if He was not resurrected until the next day.

Easter Sunday

Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?
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Known as Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday is a time of ecstasy and joy, when Christian people were able to witness the miracle of Christ's rebirth. He made five appearances, one to Mary Magdalene and the other to the disciples.

With this event, symbolically it is believed that Jesus conquered death, in the same way that we will all be saved when our lives are over. It was this event that immortalized the teachings of Christ and the faith of those who follow him to this day.

Therefore, Easter Sunday is dedicated to commemorations, forgiveness and the encouragement of faith. It is essential to recognize the entire trajectory of Christ, to be inspired by His lessons and to practice what was taught so long ago, but which remains current.

Holy Week Symbols

In addition to the meaning of each day of Holy Week, we must know the symbols that are present in this period. See which are the main ones:

  • easter lamb, that it is sacrificed in reference to the sacrifice Jesus made for mankind;
  • palm branches, like those used to receive Jesus in Jerusalem;
  • bells, that sounded when the faithful identified that Christ had risen;
  • Bread and wine, symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus, especially at the Last Supper;
  • Cyrus Pascal, a candle indicating the beginning and end of Holy Week;
  • Fish, symbol of life that bears the initials of the phrase “Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Savior”.

Rites and customs of Holy Week

Holy Week symbols may appear in some rites and customs of this time of year. However, in a country as plural as España, this is not always the case. Check out some of the celebrations that take place during Holy Week:

Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?
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1) Performing penances, refraining from eating meat or other foods;

2) Devotion to charity, donating clothes, furniture and even food;

3) Covering images of saints and crosses with cloths, in reference to the mortification of the sight of the body of Christ;

4) Procession of the Meeting, with men walking with the image of Nossa Senhora do Passos and women walking with the image of Nossa Senhora das Dores, until the two groups find them;

5) Blessing of the Saints Oils (of Confirmation, Catechumens and the Sick) by bishops and priests from the entire diocese, reaffirming the commitment to serve God;

6) Carrying out the washing of feet, ritual in which people wash each other's feet, as Jesus washed the apostles' feet;

7) Institution of the Eucharist, when the faithful must wear white robes, visit the altar of the Most Holy and remember the giving of the body and blood of Jesus;

8) Institution of the Priesthood, that takes place during the mass, with the representation of the washing of feet and the process of laying bare the altar, indicating the death of Christ;

9) Veneration of the Holy Cross with a cross being solemnly presented to the community;

10) Illumination of the Pascal Candle, lighting the candle that will be used in the Easter Vigil at dusk.

Prayers and Meditations for Holy Week

Holy Week: what is the meaning of each day?
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If you didn't know the rites and customs of Holy Week, in addition to practicing them you can expand your repertoire with prayers for each day of this period. Or, practice meditations to connect with your faith. Find out what our suggestions are:

1) Prayer for Palm Sunday

“My Lord, I thank you for sending your Son Jesus and preparing the way for our lives to be set free through his death. I thank you for what this day represents – the beginning of Holy Week, the beginning of the journey towards the power of the cross, the victory of the resurrection and the rich truth that Jesus is truly our King of Kings.

We give you praise and honor because your ways are just and true. We worship you because you are holy and righteous. Let us declare that your love stands firm forever. For your kindness endures forever. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen!”

2) Prayer for Holy Monday

“O God, Creator and provident Father of the human race, source of graces and eternal salvation, bless these flowers that today, with a soul full of gratitude and devotion, we present to your Mother, the Virgin Mary. You who adorned them with a sweet perfume and destined them to ward off the sorrows of the world, pour out heavenly blessings on them so that all who keep them in their homes receive health for the body and protection for the soul. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.”

3) Prayer for Holy Tuesday

“Lord, you are our Father and Lord of life. Pour out your blessing on your sons and daughters who are present who have water in their hands. May it be a blessing to our life, our health and a sign of your presence among us. Grant, Lord, that this water always reminds us that you are the fountain of life and our baptism a fountain of living water that springs up to eternal life.”

4) Prayer for Holy Wednesday

“We bless you, Lord our God, because you wanted your Son made man to participate in the human family. Lord, we humbly beseech you for families; protect and guard them, so that, comforted by the gift of your grace, they may enjoy prosperity, peace and harmony, and bear witness to your glory in the world, behaving as a true domestic Church. By Christ our Lord.”

5) Prayer for Holy Thursday

“O Father, we are gathered for the Holy Supper, in which your only son, by giving himself up to death, gave his Church a new and eternal sacrifice, as a feast of his love. Grant us, through such an exalted mystery, to reach the fullness of charity and life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen. ”

6) Prayer for Good Friday

“Mary was afflicted, seeing Jesus suffer on the Cross.

I see myself afflicted, Help me Mother of Jesus. Thursday by the cross Christ Jesus suffered. On the sixth, Jesus suffered. Herod asked him:

– Are you treming or treming at Cruz?

– I do not tremble! I won't tremble! For whoever in my Sacred Passion and Death 33 creeds prays whatever he asks, I will give him.”

7) Prayer for Holy Saturday

“Lord Jesus Christ, in the darkness of death you made light; in the abyss of deepest solitude now dwells forever the mighty protection of Thy love; in the midst of Your concealment, we can already sing the alleluia of the saved. Grant us the humble simplicity of faith, which does not allow itself to be diverted when You call us in the hours of darkness, of abandonment, when everything seems problematic; grant us, in this time in which a mortal struggle is being fought around you, enough light not to lose you; enough light so that we can give it to all those who need it even more. Make the mystery of Your paschal joy shine, like the dawn of the morning, in our days; grant us that we can really be paschal men in the midst of the Holy Saturday of history. Grant that, through the bright and dark days of this time, we may always with a joyful spirit find ourselves on the way, towards your future glory.”

8) Prayer for Easter Sunday

“Jesus Christ Risen, conqueror of death, by your life and love, you gave us the Light of Our Lord. At Easter, Heaven and Earth united and redeemed our sins. For you, the doors of Heaven were opened. And we who love you and bless your protection and compassion now have it. May your pure love in us be reborn and may you free us from the greatest pain, may there be harmony and peace with your grace and may the best of us in us awaken. Amen."

For the Christian religion, meditation can be the reflective reading of a part of the Bible, the contemplation of one of the teachings and even the practice of one of them. Therefore, during Holy Week you can meditate from:

1) from the reflective reading of Psalm 22, that Jesus prayed while being crucified;

2) family gathering around a crucifix, saying whatever prayer you wish;

3) participation in the Easter Vigil, praying the Litany of All Saints.

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From the content presented, we observe that Holy Week is a time to connect with one's faith, recognize God's love and Christ's sacrifice and practice some rituals. So, take the opportunity to spread the divine teachings and fill yourself with light.

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