Ho'oponopono and the healing of relationships

Ho'oponopono and the healing of relationships

In Hawaiian, Ho' means "cause" and Ponopono "perfection", the combination of these words gives rise to the Ho'oponopono, which means "make right" or "correct wrong". Developed by Hawaiian psychologist Ihaleakalá Hew Len, the therapy aims to clear the mind of toxic feelings that stagnate life and can cause physical illness. Free from negativity, your relationships become healthier. See here how the Ho'oponopono can heal relationships.

Frases do Hooponopono

The phrase “Peace begins with me” was often repeated by Ihaleakalá Hew Len. Peace, like any other feeling, good or bad, is within us. Based on this, the Indian doctor took the concept to the technique, dividing it into four phrases that refer to compassion, humility, love and gratitude, feelings propagated by Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
I love you.
I'm grateful.

How to practice?

When you feel invaded by toxic feelings towards yourself, the other person or some situation, repeat the above phrases aloud or whispering. another way to practice Ho'oponopono is to use the Japamala, a Tibetan rosary with 108 beads, or a Catholic rosary that has 54 rounds and make two rounds of it. The healing prayer also helps in this cleansing process, see:

healing prayer

“Divine Creator, Father, Mother and Son as one! If I, my family, my relatives and my ancestors have offended you, your family, your relatives and your ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions, from the beginning of creation to the present moment, we ask for your forgiveness! Allow this to cleanse, purify, release and interrupt all negative memories, blockages, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light. And it's done!”

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O Ho'oponopono brings self-knowledge, because it helps us to recognize and fight moments of weakness. 

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