health first

In this article, I will talk about health, as it is the foundation for anyone to be successful and happy in life. By that, I mean that a person needs to be healthy in the 4 fundamental pillars of life, which are: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I will talk a little about each of them.

the physical

We need to take good care of our body, because it is our vehicle in this world. It is through him that we will experience all our achievements and dreams, it is through him that our life mission will come true. And, therefore, he deserves our care through proper nutrition and moderate exercise so that he can stay healthy.

O mental

Our conscious mind is responsible for everything that is sent to the unconscious mind, that is, if the conscious mind is not healthy, it will pollute the unconscious mind in a way that will create sabotaging beliefs that can disrupt a person's life in some area. . It is very important not to focus on negative thoughts. The right thing is to see the good side of things and always believe in solutions; the mind becomes much healthier with these attitudes.

the emotional

Our unconscious mind stores all of our memories, including the emotions those memories caused. In this case, the ideal is to eliminate negative emotions stored after some experience that may have caused sadness, anger, guilt, low self-esteem, etc. EFT can do this cleansing work so that we can be at peace and free from the bad feeling, even if the event is still in our memory.

health first

the spiritual

Our spirit is our essence. He knows what is good and what is not for us. Everything you've done that you've deeply regretted shows that, in the first place, it was against your essence, against your soul. It is essential that you have a mind with healthy thoughts that generate good feelings so that your body does not take actions that can hurt your soul. You have to be in harmony with it.

I hope that from now on you will be more attentive to the 4 pillars so that you can have a prosperous and healthy life!

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