Health and spirituality through self-love

    When do we feel the full state of Health and Spirituality?

    Are there other paths and new perspectives to be explored in the field of Health and Spirituality?

    Deepak Chopra, an Indian physician, feels that: “A human being is as permanent as a star, both are illuminated by the splendor of truth”.

    I went to research the definition of health for the World Health Organization (WHO/WHO), this constitution was made in New York City, on July 22, 1946.

    It is written: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    Enjoying the best possible state of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being, without distinction of race, religion, political creed, economic or social condition.

    The health of all peoples is essential to achieving peace and security and depends on the closest cooperation of individuals and States (countries).

    Health and spirituality through self-love

    The results achieved by each State in the promotion and protection of health are of value to all. The uneven development in different countries with regard to promoting health and combating diseases, especially contagious ones, constitutes a common danger.” (Source: WHO – World Health Organization).

    Repeating part of the letter from WHO:

    Health is more than a disease-free state.”

    It concludes that it is not possible to have health outside of a state of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

    Another excerpt from the letter makes it clear that “Uneven Health Development is a common danger”, with this, I understand that the dimensions of the human being are integrated in a network of connections, so it is impossible to obtain full health in a system that promotes inequalities or exclusion.

    How is it possible that five minutes of deep breathing practice with visualizations of joyful moments can restore the joy of living?

    The philosophies of the East demonstrate that diseases, somatic or psychosomatic, have their origin in the mental state of human beings, which affects the emotional and physical state, simultaneously, with the spiritual state being the trigger of the general imbalance.

    We live in times when the right thing is to follow someone or copy models. The human being was born to be creative, daring, trailblazer, entrepreneur and a great adventurer. But unfortunately this is not what is happening with the world population, we are following models dictated by governments and large corporations. We went from owners of our desires to followers of infinite trends. I feel that this is one of the points that has made us sad, depressed and, consequently, sick people, without any kind of stimulus to live a full life.

    I observed some reports from my students who, during breathing conducted with visualizations of states of joy, perceived themselves to be much greater than the physical body presents themselves and felt a well-being that had not been possible for a long time.

    It is worth mentioning that the spiritual dimension and spirituality are not connected to religion, it is the driving essence of life. It is the understanding that the body suffers from diseases of the soul.

    Health and spirituality through self-love

    In my view, the great medicine for a world cure is true and genuine love for ourselves. Every time we stop loving ourselves as we are, where we are from, with the family we have, the work and money we have, in short, not loving each other directly implies disease states generated by a weakened spirit for not having what you want and not accepting who you are.

    The word “soul” originates from the Latin “anima”, a term from which the verb “animate” also derives: to endow with a soul, to give life. Thus, "soul" is the vital principle, the energy that animates a creature. Often the terms “soul” and “spirit” are used interchangeably (in fact, “anima” in Latin originally means “breath”, as does “spiritu”).

    Grief experienced by the soul brings emotional suffering, frustration, anger, guilt, misunderstanding, low self-esteem, decreased self-esteem, victimization and difficulty in practicing forgiveness and gratitude.

    Life becomes gray, lifeless, colorless and purposeless. Doors open for diseases!

    We live in a moment of openness to practices and (new) knowledge that inspire the arrival of a new consciousness in relation to the self, the other and the world.

    The Doctor. Deepak Chopra has followed research on spontaneous cancer cures carried out in both the United States and Japan, which have shown that, shortly before recovery, almost all patients experience an alteration of consciousness. The person knows he will heal and feels that the energy responsible for healing is in himself.

    Consciousness, self-knowledge, self-management and clarity about life are states of the soul. Translating, having strengthened self-love and genuinely true, where no matter what others do or think about you, what truly matters is what I think and feel about myself. In this way, we took a big step towards self-healing.

    Health and spirituality through self-love

    Being healthy, above all, is being more human: confident, free from limiting beliefs, being light on the past, honoring the present and building the future with assertiveness and, at the same time, carefree. Being carefree doesn't mean being irresponsible, it means things have a right time to be resolved. One of the issues that most torment and make people sick is related to sexuality. Sex has always been used as an instrument of guilt and linked to sinful things, that's why so much is done and badly done, generating guilt and suffering.

    The inclusion of Alternative Therapies in the Unified Health System, the discipline of Spirituality in Medicine courses, the view of Integrative Medicine as an effort to prevent diseases and quality in public health demonstrate slow and consistent advances in Spain.

    I bring relevant data from the Ministry of Health portal: “(…) Scientific evidence has shown the benefits of integrated treatment between conventional medicine and integrative and complementary practices”. In 2017:

    1,4 million alternative procedures registered;

    Acupuncture is the most widespread technique, with 707.000 consultations and 277.000 individual consultations;

    Tai chi chuan and Lian gong, with 151.000 sessions;

    Auriculotherapy, with 142.000 procedures;

    Yoga, with 35.000 sessions;

    Circular dance, with 23.000 sessions;

    Biodanza, with 23.000 sessions;

    Community therapy, with 23.000 each.

    The therapies are present in 9.350 establishments in 3.173 municipalities, 88% of which are offered in primary care.

    Statistics point to a change in attitude towards life.

    Educating the population to learn basic self-care techniques, without the use of medication, is something important, but extremely challenging, simply because it goes against great political, financial and commercial interests.

    Imagine children from kindergarten to adults, in universities, experiencing awareness raising practices, through spirituality and millenary practices of self-care!

    Health and spirituality through self-love

    That's when I had the dream of creating a movement to show people a simple issue: quality education for all human beings.

    See more on this subject at:

    How would it be:

    The society?

    The relationships?

    Leisure and work?

    The nature?

    The seasons of the year?

    The waters of rivers and oceans?

    Respect for domestic and wild animals?

    The expression of love?

    Family life?

    The time to detach from the old body and go to a new body?


    Opportunities to look for deeper strengths in ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” (Joseph Campbell).

    Two feelings practiced can truly heal the planet and all human beings. Let us be healers through forgiveness and gratitude, to reach states of spiritual health and embrace a new planetary consciousness.

    The change we want is up to us, just one person changes and the world will change!

    You may also like the author's other articles: Education to Become Wise!

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