Healing through awareness. Spiritual Surgeries

Healing through awareness. Spiritual surgeries.
How it works? Understand: what spirituality and you can do for your healing, your forgiveness and your release.

At all times or at least once in your life, you have heard about spiritual surgery and its positive results. We hear that life moves forward, walks, heals and everything changes for the better.

And what about spiritual surgery? How it works? Now you will understand a little more about her.

It seems like it's something out of this world, a mystery, a thriller, but it's actually possible, viable and much closer to you and everyone else than you might think.

All human beings are made up of body, mind and spirit.

Between the physical body (matter) and the spirit, we have the perispirit.

It is in the perispirit that the envelope, also called the fluidic or ethereal body, is located. It is our spiritual body that makes the “link” with our physical body.

It is exactly in this envelope that the physical, biological and genetic organs and structures necessary for life on the physical plane are found, so the perispirit comes to be considered the spiritual “mold” of the Physical body.

It is there, in the perispirit, that the spiritual surgeries are performed by the Doctors of Light, the spirituality of good, healing and love.

This divine energy, from the light of God, is mediated by the disposition, help and good will of the medium, that is, the human being, a person with his physical body and understanding of good and love, who is available to mediate; that is, to be the vehicle, with your physical body, so that the energy of the spirits of good and light and all spirituality can help and attend to each person who asks for and accepts help.

Therefore, these beings of light work for the cleansing, healing and awareness of all people who ask for support.

Healing through awareness. Spiritual Surgeries
Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

Illnesses are changes in the spiritual bodies that affect the physical body, caused by imbalances that are often unconscious that many do not even realize their ways and ways of thinking and feeling situations, people, things and even places. They are conditioning and misinterpretations that come from thought, become feelings and attack the health of the physical body.

Hence the importance of self-knowledge and pray and watch so that forms and ways of thoughts and feelings are not reflected in the physical body, causing physical and energetic diseases.

In spiritual surgery, as we have already said, the patient is treated in the perispirit by the doctors of light, who carry out all the work for the spiritual cleansing of the patient. In this way, through the free will of each one, consciousness expands through knowledge, joy, health, good and love. And so the life of each patient flows, continues in its continuous, wise and intelligent evolution.

Spiritual surgeries are part of a whole, like everything in life; That's why the Doctors of Light and all the spirituality at Casa dos Tarefeiros ask patients to continue to follow the guidelines of Earth's doctors, that is, to continue their treatments with their trusted doctors, after all they are professionals and people who studied, study and are updated, so they know how to treat and care for the physical body of their patients.

What the Spiritual Doctors ask most is that patients do not stop taking their medicine at all.

Healing through awareness. Spiritual Surgeries
Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

Each patient must follow the guidelines of the Doctors of Light and the Doctors of Earth, as the physical body often needs the medicine of man's science, as directed by his doctor.

And this combined with surgery in the perispirit, that is, spiritual surgery, which is performed without cuts in the physical body, because it is done in the perispirit, because it is where the physical body is treated during the spiritual surgery and healing is developed, cleaning disease, the health of the physical, spiritual, mental and sentimental body, according to each person's free will and awareness.

The best part of spiritual treatment is in the conciliation of spirit with matter, as we are all formed by Body, Mind and Spirit, which means that everything is interconnected within each one and that they need to walk together and in balance.

Spirituality and science are friends, they go together and are part of the whole, with God, with the universe, with good, with physical, mental, sentimental, spiritual and social health.

Before performing the spiritual surgery, the patient is asked to avoid, 24 hours before the surgery, eating red meat, drinking alcohol and having sexual intercourse.

This procedure is for the patient's spiritual bodies to be in harmony with the energies of light, since red meat is dense and heavy when we talk about energies.

In sexual intercourse one enters into exchanges of physical energy with another person, and it is important to keep one's energy more harmonious.

And the alcoholic beverage interferes in the forms of thoughts and feelings, depending on the emotional state of the moment of each patient.

Spiritual surgery and awareness bring with them a better quality of life, with more light, more energy, freedom, purity in thoughts and feelings, understanding of oneself and others, mercy, understanding and harmony in the ways and ways of thinking and feeling the life and the world around you.

Healing through awareness. Spiritual Surgeries
Fuu J / Pexels

At Casa dos Tarefeiros, spiritual surgeries are free, during the opening hours of the house, with a day scheduled in advance for better organization and attention to individual care.

Lectures and other spiritual and energetic treatments are part of the house's set of works and treatments. These other treatments are indicated according to the individual need of each patient.

All treatments at the Casa de Cura e Conscientização dos Tarefeiros are for the evolution, health, progress and personal development of each one.

Through the cleansing of spiritual bodies and awareness, forms of thoughts and feelings that are contrary to good, love and positive are cleansed. Thus opening up paths to the new, to hope, to fulfillment, to harmony, to balance and the evolutionary progress of life.

New ways and ways of thinking and feeling life consciously happen in the righteousness of good and love with the expansion of consciousness.

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The doors of Casa do Tarefeiros are always open to welcome everyone.

As we speak inside the House of Taskers:

"If I want, God gives and the Universe obeys".

Always use your free will in a positive and healthy way. Always choose good and love, because these heal everything and unlock everything for life to walk and move on.

A big hug to everyone.

Dorothea Ruiz

President and Director of the House of Consciousness and Healing of Taskers.

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