Healing is learning to trust yourself and life

We live an incredible moment in the history of humanity!

On the one hand, technology, scientific and academic research seeking ways to cure diseases of the body and soul.

On the other hand, the fragmentation of the Human Being, confused, lost in a sea of ​​information, training, knowledge and suffering.

Transition phase! 

Just as the caterpillar in the cocoon suffers from the pains of becoming a butterfly, we suffer from the demands of inner and outer life.

But as we deeply feel the importance and anchor of spiritual intelligence in our lives, we find a smoother path towards the integrity and health of the Self.

We are beings integrated into a complex and beautiful system, formed by the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions.

Healing is learning to trust yourself and life

When one of these dimensions is fragile or weakened, the entire system is affected.

By strengthening one of these dimensions, we are able to help each other in a loving and welcoming way, and the system gradually returns to working with health and harmony.

Each case is different, it is worth mentioning that the help of an experienced and reputable professional is always recommended.

The understanding that we are spiritual beings living material experiences broadens the field of understanding about diseases of the body and soul.

According to Ayurveda, an ancient medical system, the state of health is a combination of several vital aspects of the human being, in addition to the global balance of the material, emotional and physical body.

Integrative therapies represent an advance in the cure of diseases and are sometimes used as a complementary resource to traditional treatments.

My experience has shown that the practice of meditation is one of the ways to prevent illness and a balm for situations of anxiety, emotional and physical discomfort.

Healing is learning to trust yourself and life

I meditate twice a day to delve into myself, value who I am in essence, visualize solutions to challenging situations and fill myself with peace and love for myself.

When I look at myself with acceptance, respecting my time, rhythm and inner truth, I feel happier, more confident and I can create the reality I want for my life.

I can self-displace and look at life from a different angle.

It is a time to nourish myself with my own energy of breath, guidance and healing for my wounded parts.

Want to know if it's easy?

There are times that are yes and others that are very challenging.

I'm a Taurus with a Libra rising… this makes me persistent, disciplined and light.

Without limiting rules and with a lot of creativity… to live pleasurable moments in meditations.

And meditating is not not thinking about anything.

Meditating is breathing, relaxing the body, the mind, having a personal encounter with our divine essence, slowing down the creation of thoughts, thinking positively to be healthier. It greatly enhances the ability of resilience and self-management.

Healing is learning to trust yourself and life

I have experienced and reflected on the benefits of:

  • To welcome my personal story;
  • Honor my ancestors by valuing their positive aspects;
  • Create my own story, putting in my backpack what makes sense to me;
  • Respect my body as it is, without following imposed standards of beauty;
  • Being with positive and light people;
  • Position myself in life clearly;
  • Trust my intuition;
  • Rest the body and mind;
  • Being in touch with Nature;
  • Eat natural foods;
  • Be grateful to everything and everyone;
  • Bathing in herbs and flowers…

Ways to heal what is not visible to the eyes and hurts the heart!

Let's be healthy, let's be happy, life is a gift... and everything passes!

Warm hugs, success on the journey!

You may also like another article by this author. Access: New Year – When I see the fireworks I feel the Universe honoring me

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