Have you ever paid attention to your “Jittery Cricket”?

Most are familiar with the Walt Disney cartoon “Pinocchio”. In his adventures, Pinocchio was always accompanied by his faithful squire, Jiminy Cricket. Very wise and with extreme good humor, Jiminy Cricket accompanied him on his adventures. The dialogues between the two took place all the time.

Many believe Jiminy Cricket is a fictional character. He is. But at the same time he isn't either.

We are always accompanied by an inner voice, which can lead us to everything or nothing. Life doesn't always put us in pleasant places or situations – that's a fact. However, those who are confident in their abilities, what they are fighting for and what they truly believe in can and can communicate with their Jiminy Cricket.

Have you ever paid attention to your “Jittery Cricket”?
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

I have come to be sure that this friendly voice shows us precisely which way we are heading. Jiminy Cricket can be your guardian angel, a spiritual benefactor, a loved one who accompanies you from another dimension, the God you believe in. It can be a prayer, a psalm of your choice, an attitude of gratitude. He is the Greater Good that reigns within you and, because he is the Good, he will never show you the wrong way to go.

But how do we know if we're paying attention to this talkative friend?

Ask him. Don't be intimidated. He is her friend and will give her the answer.

When your day is over, after all the activities you do, whatever they may be, quiet down for a few moments. Forget how that day was - after all, it's over and everything you should have done you did in the best way!

In these moments of stillness, take your thoughts to this invisible friend, who accompanies you, and ask: “What do I need to do so that each day I move forward with determination, strength and courage? My friend, could you kindly show me, somehow, if my path is heading for the best? Thank you!"

Have you ever paid attention to your “Jittery Cricket”?
Lucas Pezeta/Pexels

Don't care about the answer or when it will come or how it will arrive. The question is the most important. The Universe wants questions to be asked. The answer is His. Let it flow and drop your question. No question goes unanswered. We know that! We all know! Pay attention to the signs – they are usually very subtle and in this wild race we end up not paying much attention.

And rest within you.

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After all, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me meekly to still waters. It cools my soul; guide me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even if I walked through the valley of the shadows of death, I would fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord long days.” (Psalms 23:1-6)

And believe me: your Jiminy Cricket will talk to you! Ever!

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