Have you ever had an epiphany?

The word epiphany comes from the Greek epiphaneia, manifestation or apparition. It is an event linked to religion, the spiritual, divine and philosophical. In the religious context, there are three epiphanies: the arrival of the Magi was the presentation of Jesus to the world, celebrated on January 6; epiphany of John the Baptist in the Jordan River and the miracle of Cana, the first miracle of Jesus. Still in Catholicism, the Epiphany of the Lord is a feast that takes place two Sundays after Christmas.

Epiphany in Literature

In literature, epiphany is the art of making something that makes sense only to the writer understandable to the reader. Clarice Lispector, author of the books 'A Hora da Estrela', 'A PaixĂŁo Segundo G.H', among others, used this effect with mastery. Clarice, who had existential questions as a guideline for her literary production, introduced in the middle of the story a fact that leads the character to a psychological destabilization, which provokes a reflection on life. By emotionally rebalancing, the character restarts life.

Epiphany in our lives

Have you ever had an epiphany?
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In life, epiphany is when we have an “illumined thought”, discovery or inspiration that arises during an impasse and that leads to its resolution. During epiphany, there is a change in our perception of reality, how we relate to people and the level of satisfaction with life. In this context, the epiphany is also an apparition, because we can see something that has possibly always been close and we didn't see it due to immaturity.

An example of epiphany in life is when after the end of a love relationship, we realize that we can live without the ex, we stop following in his/her footsteps on social media, calling begged to resume the relationship, among other destructive attitudes.

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We shouldn't be afraid of an epiphany, because it's a chance to break free. This release is the opportunity to start your life over with self-esteem and determination to fight for your goals.7

Have you ever had an epiphany? What was the discovery you made at this point? What did you feel and how did you deal with it? Share the experience with us.

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