Have you allowed yourself to reflect on your choices?

    Today I'm going to share a story of my life. Something that happened a while ago, but I felt I should come here and share it with you too.

    When I was very little, I had two very similar shirts, one pink and one yellow, but they both had the same print: the globe on the back.

    I remember that I heard a lot of people saying: “- Look how cool, you have a whole world on your back!” I smiled back and thought it was really cool.

    What I didn't know is that, years later, it would become a kind of belief.

    For many years, I "carried the world on my back". I took on responsibilities that weren't mine, I fought for fights that didn't concern me either, I tried to help others with the possible and the impossible, that is, I juggled and exhausted myself until I couldn't take it anymore.

    On a beautiful day in a therapy session, when we were working on an issue, I reached my 04th birthday again with this sentence and a very dear person saying to me: “- Look how cool, you have a whole world on your back!”

    Have you allowed yourself to reflect on your choices?
    Bálint Molnár / Unsplash

    And that made me reflect on the following: How many things do we not hear as children or even long before, in intrauterine life, which we keep in our mind? How many things have not shaped our lives by things we hear and believe to be true?

    And how many things do we not repeat to children today?

    The more I delve into self-knowledge, the more I realize that this practice should be in our daily lives from the moment we are born or before. And that this should be replicated onwards.

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    A simple sentence said, in jest, can become someone's "destiny".

    Now, I invite you to reflect on the results of your choices and on how you live today. Have you ever wondered if certain things are related to something you've seen and/or heard in the past?

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