Have a faith of running water

    Have a faith of running water
    Having a faith of running water — continuous, uninterrupted — is more important than having a faith of burning fire, the one that burns with intensity, but after a while goes out with the flames.

    In Nichiren Buddhism, having a faith and practices—both in prayers and actions—of running water means being a person who never stops in the face of difficulties and obstacles. Fire burns and naturally ends at some point. Water, as it flows through rivers, oceans, lakes and seas, is infinite.

    And Nichiren Daishonin also states the following in the scripture called “Answer to Lord Ueno”:

    “Currently, there are people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra. However, some believe like burning flames, while others, like running water. When the first ones hear about Buddhism, they are excited like fire, but when they leave, they are dominated by the mind ready to abandon the faith. 'Like running water' means to believe continually without ever turning back. As you have often visited me regardless of the circumstances, your faith is comparable to running water. How worthy of respect!” (END, vol. 1, page 419.)

    About this passage, Dr. Ikeda, a Buddhist pacifist points out:

    “The analogy of practicing faith with 'burning flames' refers to people who are enthusiastic about Buddhism at first, but soon fade away from the reality of daily life. 

    In contrast, “running water” faith is characterized by the continuous pursuit of self-improvement through daily recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku (Buddhist prayers) and actions to apply the power of prayer to everyday matters. 

    Therefore, the faith of “running water” is consolidated by the challenges of daily life and is manifested in the commitment to resolve personal issues, such as family relationships, economic or professional difficulties, while dedicating oneself to the activities of Buddhism in daily life. for the sake of peace among all beings.” 

    Therefore, we must adopt the behavior of faith and action of running water, which does not stop at anything, advancing and evolving uninterruptedly.

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