happy to be

    “Being” happy is different from “being” happy. 

    “Being” happy is feeling the Universe inside you! 

    “Be” a Temple with an Altar in its heart!

    To live, knowing that everything passes, but what remains and what does not pass is Eternity in us!

    Feel the Invisible Light of the Spirit illuminating us and our steps guiding!

    The Being is happy, because it lives in harmony with Nature and feels communion with it!

    It's feeling a desire to vibrate, so strongly, emanating Peace, Joy and Harmony for all BEINGS!

    It is to be grateful for the opportunity to witness the miracle of Life, even in the midst of difficulties and challenges!

    It's singing in the melody of silence, the song of Love!

    It's speaking all languages, simply, with the voice of the heart!

    It's seeing meaning even in what has no meaning, because Life is a Journey of mysteries and discoveries!

    happy to be

    "Being" happy is, even in sadness and pain, persevering and moving forward trusting that everything is part of something bigger, which sometimes we don't understand, but at the same time, we feel that every movement is for our growth!

    Faith drives us to flow with Life, realizing our connection with all Beings and all of Creation!

    It's facing fears and, by becoming aware of them, overcoming them!

    “Being” happy is different from “being” happy, because BEING is full and reveals itself when we connect to HIM!

    “Being” happy depends on satisfying our desires, it is part of our human experience, however, it is transitory!

    When satisfying a desire and remaining unsatisfied, we seek another object of satisfaction in search of Happiness, which we cannot find outside, as it is a state of our BEING.

    The BEING is happy in its nature, because it is FULLNESS, LOVE and FREEDOM!

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