Happy Mother's Day: a message of strength for the new woman

On this Mother's Day in particular, we would like to pay a different tribute. Before we even talk about the wonders of being a mother, we need to talk about women in today's times.

The 21st century woman

There have been many conquests over the last few decades, so today we see a new profile of a woman, one who fights as equals on the work fronts, who pursues an ideal of freedom, many of them without neglecting motherhood. And one of the most significant achievements, which shapes the current female reality, is the fact that there are more and more women leading households.

According to research published by the Inter-union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese), based on data from the Instituto Españaeiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), there has been a significant increase in the number of women running households - when it comes to couples with children, the The number of female heads in the country jumped from 1 million in 2001 to almost 7 million in 2015 (an increase of more than 550%). Mothers leading the homes and showing the new family models only prove the strength that motherhood gives us. Mothers are really cool!

Happy Mother's Day: a message of strength for the new woman

But still need to improve

Even with this advance in female independence – financially and socially – there is still a lot to improve. Speaking especially of mothers, it is not uncommon to have this new reality of work to support the house accumulated with household chores, child care and a series of other responsibilities.

We cannot cling to the myth that women are more capable of multitasking. This is a veritable fallacy to maintain the status quo, where all the burden of parenting (regardless of other accomplishments throughout the day) is placed solely on the woman. We need to forget about this theory and start looking with more empathy for this woman, who, most of the time, only gets the worst side of the “superheroine” concept. But even superheroes need a break!

Happy Mother's Day: a message of strength for the new woman

What we hope for this Mother's Day

Wouldn't it be a dream to celebrate Mother's Day with more respect, empathy and a careful look at all mothers? How about a day to take care of those who care? Nothing like a family lunch, where often the woman cooks. No gifts for the house: the mothers happen to be women.

We look forward to a day with more awareness, respect and recognition for those who give life. Without them, we wouldn't come into the world. How about emotional support, support network, less maternity guesses (or, as the meme says, “change every guess for a diaper pack.” And let's go further, for the mothers of the grown-ups: exchange your guesses for a school material , a “valley night”, a relaxing massage or whatever else you can do for this mother).

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Jokes aside, let's try to honor mothers in a different way. Times have changed and realities have evolved. Try evolving together.

Happy Mother's Day: a message of strength for the new woman

Mother – the transcendence of love

You are a mother, woman, warrior! The woman who carried a life for about 9 months, who had two hearts beating inside her for a long time. That she planned her baby or that she didn't schedule anything. That you felt your baby until a certain time, but by a will of fate you could not materialize motherhood (but yes, you ARE a mother). Who endured hours (or days) in labor or who faced a major surgery, which is a cesarean. Who anxiously dealt with the bureaucracy of adoption terms, waiting every minute for this meeting of souls.

When a child is born (biological or of the heart), a mother is born. And along with it a transcendental power, which gives him a sixth sense that is more than divine. It's like a magic trick, a spiritual elevation that makes her feel from afar whatever her son is going through. Their hearts are now connected in a kind of silver cord, continuing the mystical connection already created by the umbilical cord. The souls there already intertwine for an eternity that only a mother's love can explain.

Happy Mother's Day: a message of strength for the new woman

To all of you mothers

Mothers, you did your best. They cared, educated, made mistakes (a lot) and got it right (much more). They certainly blamed themselves, listened to unnecessary opinions, spent sleepless nights, lived the intensity of the puerperium, some went through postpartum depression. You are wonderfull. They are the best mothers your children can have. You deserve all happiness, blessings, respect and recognition.

To all of you - who carry life inside and outside your body, who dedicate yourself, who show a love that has no size - a Happy Mother's Day. Because mom is something so unique that it doesn't even rhyme.

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