Happiness in the family: how to conquer?

Etymologically speaking, family is a social organization. A group of people with blood and affective ties. According to the Child and Adolescent Statute, there are three family typologies. The natural family is the group made up of parents and descendants. Extended family is made up of close relatives. Finally, the surrogate family is the one determined by justice when all possibilities of coexistence between the minor and his natural family have been exhausted. It has three modalities: custody, guardianship and adoption.

Very common nowadays, the single parent family is when the father or mother is solely responsible for raising the children. Father or mother who abandon the child, divorce or the death of one of the parents are scenarios that form this type of family. Within the new concepts, the anaparental family is not restricted to the husband/wife/children tripod. Two friends who decide to live together, brothers who remain together after the death of their parents, caring for and taking responsibility for each other are examples of anaparental family.

Fulfilled all requirements for adoption, nothing prevents adoption by homosexuals. The Federal Supreme Court recognizes the same-sex union as a family entity. To finish the concept of family, the community is made up of men or women and their descendants, living in religious communities, sects and gypsy camps. Here, all adults in the community have responsibility for the education of children.

There are several definitions and there may be more. However, more than knowing the concepts is recognizing and feeling their importance. It is the family that teaches us right and wrong. We can talk about our fears without being teased or retaliated against. When we avoid telling others about projects, we tell the family every detail and receive feedback and words of encouragement.

But some problems put harmony at risk. Sometimes parents don't share day-to-day activities, don't have common goals, and don't seem to feel love. In this case, there is no consensus on the education of children, budget management is also compromised. Both believe they are right and do not give up their convictions. When there is love, there is no feeling of cooperation, nor shared dreams, each man for himself prevails.

In strict families, parents exercise empty authority. They tell their children what they should and shouldn't do, without providing explanations. When questioned, they act aggressively, and may turn to physical violence. Overprotective families put their children in bubbles, closely monitor their every activity, fight with whoever “dares” to scold the offspring. The climate is unbearable, because the children cannot breathe and find it extremely difficult to cut the umbilical cord. Permissive families create monsters because they don't set limits on their children. Finally, there are couples who make their children kings and queens. These decide the menu, which television channel will be watched and the songs that will be listened to.


Let's not be hypocrites, money brings comfort. With it, we buy a good house, car, we can study in the best schools, we have the best health plan. However, money should not be a protagonist in anyone's life. It needs to serve the individual, not the other way around. The thirst for money drives many families away. Siblings become enemies and are able to interdict their parents in order to take over the business and even kill whoever gets in the way.

Macaulay Culkin, a child star in the 80s and 90s, who starred in the movies “My First Love” and “Home Alone”, made a lot of money. By age 14, he already had the equivalent of $17 million. The parents managed their son's fortune and began to get into conflicts. His parents divorced and Macaulay Culkin fought a legal battle against his own parents to manage his estate. The actor won the fight, however, stopped talking to his father in 1997.


They also destroy families. Addicts steal, speak hostile words and beat family members. A Unifesp study carried out between July 2012 and July 2013 studied a questionnaire with 115 questions answered by 3142 families from 23 capitals. The survey showed that 58% of families of chemical dependents have a drop in professional and student income, 29% are pessimistic about the future and 33% are afraid that their relative will die as a result of an overdose, or report that they have already been threatened during crises. . Families also feel guilty about their addiction and often ask what they did wrong. Harmony returns when dependent and family are treated.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence also harms families. Parents who beat and psychologically torture their children make sad and hopeless people. Child violence triples the risk of depression, increases the chance of risky sexual behavior and drug abuse. Children exposed to violence show symptoms of post-traumatic stress and cognitive difficulties. They can also reproduce the cycle of violence when they start a family.

Violence against women also causes psychological trauma. Legal and illegal drugs are often part of this sad scenario. Women who are beaten by their partners are twice as likely to have depression, the risk of psychotic episodes increases are three times greater.

No one is free from family problems. Chemical dependency needs to be treated in specialized clinics. The family is also sick and doctors develop treatment methodologies for family members. In cases of child violence, close relatives and neighbors must inform the family and the Guardianship Council must take action. Violence against women also needs to be reported.

You can be professionally successful, have a lot of money, but when things are not going well at home, the heart is left with a huge gap. After all, the family is a fortress, if it's in ruins, we can't take shelter. If harmony is a thing of the past, the weather is unbearable and you want to bring togetherness back to your home, we have five tips to get that heavy energy out. You will be surprised by the simplicity of the ideas.

Seven tips for family happiness

Happiness in the family: how to conquer?

Money doesn't buy happiness

We make plans to be happy. We spend our lives putting off our happiness. Not having the dream job, money, beauty and material goods are obstacles. We set ideals that are often unattainable. Family happiness is stereotyped. We want everything to be just like the margarine commercials. Not everyone owns a mansion, with beautiful furniture and expensive equipment. But who said that it brings happiness? We often see rich people unhappy and poor people happy. Money brings only material comfort.

live happiness

No family is free from problems. Generational clashes and financial crises are common. However, if there is union, it is easier to find the solution. It doesn't matter what your family's style is. Whether it's more modern or traditional. The important thing is the respect and love between the members. This is the formula for true family happiness.

discover your family

Do you know who your parents and siblings are? Do you know what they have already lived, think and desire? Dedicate yourself to discovering and you will be surprised by the wonderful people you have around you. When they start telling stories, ask questions. You can write down the facts, or record them with a tape recorder. You can't move forward without knowing your family's past.

make peace

Is the relationship with your sibling strained? Did you never understand each other? It doesn't matter who is right. Quarrelsome siblings make their parents very sad. How about reversing the situation? Start a conversation, ask about work and help with a task. If you feel that he (she) is sad, question the reason and make yourself available to talk.

Stay more with your family

Work and studies take up a lot of time. There are so many tasks, we neglect what is important. How many of us feel that we are visitors in our homes? We have the power to change that. Organize your schedule and spend more time with your family. But, they are all in the same environment. Respect, love, and intimacy will make dating more productive. Have a meal together at the table. Take care of the preparation. Decide what you are going to eat, buy the ingredients together. Cook together and clean up the mess together. It will be an invigorating activity.


The disharmony in your family may have deeper reasons. Have you ever heard of geobiology? It is very likely that you do not know the term. It emerged in the 70s and one of its bases is Quantum Physics. Geobiology is the science that studies man and his interaction with the environment. This science studies the interactions between the environment and the health of living beings. Geobiology also researches the effects of toxic materials used in construction and radiation on homes and work environments.

When the energy flow of a place is obstructed, people are contaminated. The atmosphere is charged, those who attend it feel very weak. If fights in your family are constant, there may be a toxic or radioactive influence from toxic building materials, misplaced objects, disharmonious colors, or electrical and electronic devices. There are several evils caused by a contaminated environment.

  • Obstruction of the energy flow towards abundance and prosperity
  • Stress
  • tension in the muscles
  • fights and arguments
  • professional stagnation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • loss of creativity
  • constant headache
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fluid retention
  • Calcium deposit in the circulatory system
  • The body does not absorb vitamins and minerals
  • Depression

Geobiology identifies and heals energetically negative environments. The process is done by directing the energy flow towards specific purposes. The Buddhic Columns also help in this energy rescue. They are part of a geobiology ritual that protects and cleans places with bad energy. The Buddha Columns are associated with Feng Shui to rescue or establish a climate of peace and prosperity.

The conductor must have already reached the peak of spiritual maturity, as he will work with various egrégores, spiritual strength obtained by the union of mental and emotional energies coming from a group of people. The installation of the Buddhic Columns can be done in any environment. The ritual begins with the invocation of spirit guides, angels and all beings of light in order to help ward off evil and bring light and harmony. The process continues with meditations and offerings of essential oils. The energy pattern of the place changes in up to 21 days. The effects are immediate and patrons need to be willing to lift their spirits to positivity. Maintenance can be done in the following ways:

  • Open your home or office windows in the morning before pollution builds up. After a rain is another good time. With cleaner air, negative ions (good particles) enter the environment
  • Scatter flowers around the room, preferably colorful.
  • Alternate hot and cold light bulbs.
  • Take a rest. Sleeping well is good for the body and mind.

There are several tips to conquer happiness. Many go through spiritual rituals. For them to work, you need to ardently desire to transform your reality. With family happiness it is no different. You and your family members can buy crystals, essential oils and learn mantras or prayers. However, without will and without believing will be a waste of time. The heart needs to be open to change.

Happiness in the family is a door to wholeness. There is no point in being rich and powerful without a good relationship with family members. Relationships are sometimes troubled, however, if there is love, conflicts are resolved more easily. Harmony is built daily, it takes time, but dedication is worth it.

The family is the refuge we return to after the storm. Parties can wait for later. Whoever loves his family loves himself. Cherish yours with all the flaws. And be sure of one thing, the defects are infinitely smaller than the qualities. Remember, the family is your real and visible paradise, your most valuable asset.

  • Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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