Create your own reality

    For some, the term creating your own reality may seem out of the ordinary. After all, having the power to create your life, the way you intend, is something powerful and for some unimaginable. Most of the time, we don't even question another way of living, except for small details, sometimes merely material. We have been conditioned to think that we have no options in life, and the options that present themselves are usually merely practical, instituted within a single conviction, a single path. We believe that the real life option will arrive in the long-awaited retirement or that we need to be millionaires to have access to options. And so we begin a wild, dormant and often painful race in search of reaching one of the two paths.

    Create your own reality

    Although these paths are valid and traveled by thousands of people, my concern lies in having to postpone what must be lived now. Every minute someone leaves, and we're all in the same line, we don't know who will be next, we can't leave the line or change for good and we won't take anything when we go to the other side. Based on this great truth that life gives us, I ask: why not question the conventional, which today is driven by the hands of financial interest, and think about how to create your own reality, choosing what really accomplishes you and contributes to your journey. here and so you're ready to go to the other side when your turn comes?

    The fact is that we are always creating our reality, but if we do not broaden our vision, we will not realize that we have the means to create it and we continue to act according to conventions. Usually, many people have created their reality consciously at least once in their lives. We didn't stop to observe how magical it was. It goes unnoticed because we are not aware and watching ourselves.

    Create your own reality

    But you can take a few moments to look at your past and notice small manifestations of your power:

    1. Wishes fulfilled: try to assess at what moments in your life you really wanted something that was very unlikely and difficult and yet you got it.
    2. Your attitude: What did you do differently in this situation? Observe small behaviors, behaviors, what you thought during the period. Often the message is subtle and you need to immerse yourself in the experience.
    3. Unfulfilled wishes: now look at the times when you didn't get what you wanted. Compare to when you got it. What was different? His behavior and attitude were probably quite different as well.

    Create your own reality

    Realize yourself and seek to find the key that resides in you for your empowerment. For me, I observe today that the moments I consciously created were moments of incredible intention, constant visualization and, at the same time, detachment. In these situations, I always found myself thinking: โ€œif it is meant to be, it will beโ€. He didn't think too deeply about the possible improbabilities, but he did it lightly and it happened. However, in the moments of failure, I noticed a subtle detail: I had an insatiable desire, but with a very strong attachment, I didn't visualize, I just did, did, did. He looked for the way to do it and kept everything on the plane of logical reasoning.

    Knowing more about yourself and the moments in your past, now imagine being able to create your reality completely. But for that you need:

    • Look at your life: try to observe from the outside what your routine is like, your work, your level of happiness. Compare happy times with difficult times and try to see what you did differently in each situation. The goal here is to discover small actions and feelings that make you feel good and also to be clear about what makes you feel bad.
    • Critical: analyze the points that bother you and see how other people with an out-of-the-box approach solve these points. As we want to create โ€œspaceโ€ for new possibilities, thoughts and ways of being, it is important to leave the conventional media, because, after all, this is the one you have lived immersed in your whole life, right? In this environment you already know how the solution to your problem will be. It's like going to the doctor, if you're going to be treated with allopathy, you already know that if you have a throat infection, the doctor will give you an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. If you want a different reality, without the use of these medicines, you have to look for a homeopath, an anthroposophic doctor and so on.
    • Define a new path: with the broader view of new possibilities, of what makes you happy, start redesigning your path. What choices do you want to make differently? What do you want to discard? What is already positive and you just want to increase it. Design your new reality.

    Create your own reality

    The above process can take days if you're ready for a big change, but if you're just starting your awakening journey it could take months and even years. Each day you will discover something new, which you thought could not be different, and then you will either re-incorporate it into your lifestyle or you will discard it. The important thing is to have a direction and a sense to then give attention and focus in a detached way to your desire. Intention energizes and attention directs, but detachment is key to manifestation. Work with intention and attention to your desire, but live your journey, the present moment, and trust that at the right time, keeping your actions consistent, your focus and your intention, the universe will bring you your desire.

    And my wish is that you wish for something great, something much bigger than a new house, or a car, that you wish for a lifestyle you never thought possible. And so that you can live your life to the fullest today as you begin to create your new reality.

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