Hang out with people who make you look your best

This sentence, sent by a friend via Instagram, brought me relevant reflections for the writing of this text. Have you ever heard that we are the average of the 5 people we hang out with the most? How are your closest relationships? Do your friendships raise your vibrational frequency and make you express your best version?

Lately, I have observed an energetic movement in my friendships. People arriving with the same vibe of building a better world, wanting to be their best version, wanting to help others with the aim of living a meaningful life, that is, a life with purpose.

You know, I'm CHOOSING TO STAY WITH THIS POSITIVE ENERGY to celebrate Friend's Day.

But also, let's be honest, there are some friendships that don't vibrate in this positivity, that don't believe in the energy of collaboration, happiness, gratitude. And what happens at those times? Ah, a natural separation movement. Oil and water don't mix, do they? If we understand that we are living in a moment of transition, we can dance a soft waltz to receive what needs to stay and add, and let go of what at the moment doesn't make sense anymore. Does this make sense to you who are reading this text?

When relationships don't collaborate for your growth and expansion of your best version, it's because the need to be heard in essence or even to be loved and recognized, is not happening, so you no longer feel belonging to that system.

Hang out with people who make you look your best

And it's okay, it's okay.

Life is full of surprises, magical moments, relationships that add and bring well-being. Happiness depends on our choices. And more profoundly, it depends on our COMMITMENT to it. So choose positive thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and friendships so that your commitment to happiness is effective.

You have friendships for a summer, you have friendships for life, you have friendships that last as long as that job, you have friends for fun, you have friends for retreats, friends for all hours. But what I have learned is that a true friend will always support your decisions, will always cheer for your success, will always vibrate with your achievements, because when we love each other, we only want their greater good, their genuine happiness.

I believe that friendship is the ability to be together, to experience joys and sorrows, to celebrate life, to exchange experiences, to share feelings and secrets, to welcome, to sincerely give time, to generate and live fraternal love. . They say the most disinterested version of love is friendship. And I believe it really is.

When we love a friend, we want him to be well, that he conquer his dreams and that in the time of difficulties he finds a friendly shoulder to vent. And even if he's far away, if he takes a solo walk, we hope he's happy!

Long live friendship and its day of celebration: April 18th!

Gratitude, Peace and Blessings

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Expressing Gratitude is on the Rise

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