

    Today, I would like to talk about a very important date for me: October 31st. But what does this have to do with reflection and self-knowledge? For me, there's a lot, especially since this is my birth day, and being born on a date when Halloween is celebrated can bring some reflections.

    Some of you, my readers, family and friends, know that I worked for 30 years with the teaching of the English language, and October 31st is very celebrated in the United States and in some other countries. In the past, there was no Halloween celebration in España. However, with the increase in the number of language schools, Halloween began to be better known and celebrated and was a way of experiencing the culture of the country of the language studied.

    As nothing is by chance, the choice of my first profession offered me the opportunity to always have a party on the 31st, both at work and with family, because people went out to school and the neighborhood asking for sweets and using the phrase: “Sweets or pranks?” (“Tricks or treats?”). Since then, we have dressed up, decorated the house, and the party has been full of joy and fun.

    Below, a brief idea about the origin of Halloween.

    According to Rainer G. Sousa, “the festivity of Halloween takes place the day before the Feast of All Saints and, therefore, its name is inspired by the expression 'all hallow's eve', which means 'the eve of all saints'. .

    Because November 1st is surrounded by a sacred and extremely positive value, the Celts, an ancient people who inhabited the British Isles, believed that the world would be threatened on the eve of the event by the action of terrible demons and ghosts. In this way, Halloween is born as a symbolic concern, in which the party, surrounded by strange and bizarre figures, would aim to ward off the influence of evil spirits that would threaten their crops.”

    Many people think that it bothers me that I was born on a date of strange celebration. But for me, it was always a reason for joy, because, regardless of any situation, the party is always ready! Today, I have witches of all kinds, and they were all a birthday present.

    Legend has it that witches had a big nose with a wart on the tip, long nails, scary laughter, wore pointy shoes with buckles on top and did a lot of witchcraft. But they were women with a lot of knowledge of nature and they used natural elements for healing. They were intelligent, and that intelligence could be used for good or ill. We can wonder if this only happens to witches or if it works for all of us.

    There are other explanations linked to religion and different epochs in human history for this date, but they will not be emphasized here.

    Currently, there are courses for people to learn more about the subject, and on Halloween, a bond with the essence of the Universe and the balance between positive and negative energies is celebrated.

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    At the beginning of the article, I said that the topic brings reflection and the quote from Rainer G. Sousa shows why. By understanding why, we can put aside superstitions and prejudices to live a day of joy, connection and energetic balance.

    So, down with prejudice, and long live understanding!

    I wish you all a Happy Halloween.

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