Half a year has passed: how to catch up on what hasn't been done yet?

It seems like just yesterday you were celebrating the arrival of the new year. And with it all new goals, dreams and expectations. It may be in anticipation that the first mishaps begin to occur. Most people end up not putting their priorities down on paper according to their profile and create an expectation about the year and, consequently, frustration occurs. Soon, time has passed and it seems that nothing is worth doing to correct or put the plans into practice.

But let's take it easy. Everything has its time. First of all, we need to understand that we cannot compare ourselves with others and we must always take into account the situation in which things are. Regarding the professional side, it is also necessary to take into account the current situation in the country, which is not easy. Of course, one thing doesn't justify the other, but maybe a plan that you wanted to put in place this year and that isn't going as planned could have done better about three years ago, when the country's economic situation was different.

Frustration requires reflection

This is a phrase used a lot by psychologists and if we are going to talk about it, we will reach a consensus. Whenever something is not good, we need to evaluate why it is not. What am I doing that isn't doing enough or isn't contributing to my performance? On the professional side, changing jobs will not always be the answer to solving problems. Sometimes it needs to be rethinking within us.

Half a year has passed: how to catch up on what hasn't been done yet?Changing the perspective of things can be the beginning. Of so many lessons we read in books, one that always applies to almost every human being is that we can learn from mistakes. Just reflect and see what we did wrong and know how to act in the face of this mistake, strengthening our conscience for a better application in practice. If something is not good, reflect: what am I doing wrong? How can I improve this situation to make me feel better?

Don't create expectations: were the plans executable?

The phrase is almost a motto of so many books: don't create expectations. But in practice we know how difficult all this is. The moment we plan something, we end up creating an expectation for this possible outcome. But the most important thing about those promises and plans you made at the end of the year is to answer the following question: were they executable plans?

Making plans for the sake of making is easy. But when it comes to putting them on the list (this is important, put the whole plan on the list), you need to know if within a year it is possible to make such requests. Sometimes it's only possible within two years, so why get excited about something you already knew might not work out?

But do not worry. Below are some questions that can help you catch up on what hasn't been done yet:

1. Organization: it's not too late to start anything, even that gym that was scheduled for January. Better to start today than ever. Regardless of any goal we can only complete it when we have organization. Get organized, review your routine. Where are you wasting time? Where can you buy more time? What things or feelings are you wasting time on? Think about it.

2. Do your best: give your best to the things you are going to do. You don't have to be the geek of the move, or get up early to be the first. It's not that. Doing your best is giving yourself to what you are doing, whether it is washing dishes well, running, working. Put love that seasoning is better. One thing done well will lead to other things well done.

3. Dream: keep dreaming of your goals. Be sure to plan even if things didn't work out. But dream with your feet firmly on the ground. Don't compare yourself to others, and put everything you are going to accomplish on paper. That makes a big difference. How about starting now? It's not too late and do one thing at a time and please don't cover yourself so much!

  • Text written by Angรฉlica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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