Habits to cultivate and exclude this year

Habits to cultivate and exclude this year

New year, new life, new goals, new promises. Who has never set goals for the new year that begins? For most people, this period represents the end of a journey, a cycle, and the beginning of another.

The list for goals we want to achieve and even habits we want to break in the new year ends up getting bigger every year. That's because we end up making too many promises and setting goals that we can't achieve. The months pass quickly and easily, and promises end up being abandoned on paper and in our minds.

A good tip is to write everything down on a paper and set a deadline so that our ideas can really come to fruition. Another tip is to write a step-by-step guide of what we must do for the goal to be successfully achieved.

Here are some tips on habits that you can adopt and others that you should abandon in this new year that begins.

What you should adopt this year:

Focus this new year on your professional relationships. A tip is to write down career dreams on a paper. This way, you will stay more focused and feel more excited to face the stressful and hard routine of your work.

Also clean out your closet. Leave in it only pieces that have sentimental values โ€‹โ€‹for you and that were used in the past year.

Another goal that at least we women always set on New Year's Eve concerns the health of our bodies. So instead of setting the amount of weight you want to lose, determine the percentage of body fat you want to get rid of. Sometimes, we can't lose the weight we want so much, but our lean mass can increase considerably, thus reducing our measurements, without the scale showing us a complacent result.

What you should give up this year:

One craze we should definitely get rid of this year is to stop checking social media as soon as our alarm goes off. This incidentally is an increasingly common habit, even with children. Cell phones with internet become a real addiction.

In addition, we should socialize more personally with our friends and relatives. Go somewhere and have a healthy conversation, without the cell phone bothering us and making us lose focus every minute.

Throw away that old habit of keeping unnecessary things in your closet, on your bookshelf, or any other object.

Text written by Flรกvia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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