Gratitude to life, to everything

    At this point I just need to say: Gratitude!

    Yes, I am going through desperate moments, and I share it with you, because you are also people like me, you also live with your fears, pain and problems, and I know you will understand me. I didn't post October because I was in a very difficult state of my life. Everything got worse this month, like never before… but I thought: if it continues like this, what will it be like from now on?

    I stopped with my work, with everything, with the medical recommendations…ok, I accept, but nothing can stop my thoughts, my reading, my drawings, my mind.

    What stops me? A mind totally thinking about countless problems, to the point of not wanting to write? Sadness, and so many other things, the mind can put as an excuse.

    But I realized that I only need one thing to put everything aside and make it worth GRATITUDE!

    Gratitude to life, to everything

    Gratitude for everything, for life, for God, for my parents, for having food, for being in such a cozy bed, for breathing, for having eyes to see the world, for simply existing.

    I learned this in a beautiful video by Paula Queiroz, which shows that we should be grateful for everything, because it shows how we have so many things, and we don't give due value in our lives.

    I tested the tip she gave, to create 50 Things We're Thankful For, starting with simply for our body, for the many things we have in it, like heart, fingers, feet, nose, organs, etc.! There are more than 50 reasons, just to look at our body, apart from external things we have, even a simple act of kindness from someone, or a smile while you are walking around on the street! There are so many ways to be grateful!

    Try to see further, with more attentive eyes to be grateful! You will be delighted how you don't realize what life gives you and you just don't realize!

    Want to see how you can look beyond what the eyes can see?

    Take the 50 reasons test, I'll try to do it a day, I started today, and I found out that 50 is not enough, eh…eh…eh Amazing how GRATITUDE is something really strong and beautiful!

    It makes me have an inspiration, which I hope you like!

    How not to have?
    simply for living

    How not to look at life?
    And see with a different look?
    why not feel the beauty of the sky,
    the purity of the air
    the trees
    the beautiful and beautiful moonlight?

    How not to be enchanted by a smile
    for the beautiful animals,
    by your house,
    where do you live,
    by your home?

    Your body, that moves you
    to continue
    to be you
    to make it happen

    to the world, that even if
    he praises us
    builds us
    we see many things yes
    But there are so many beauties that you can see more

    Why see the tragedies?
    Why not see the victories?
    Be grateful for so many events
    so many lives
    that came to us
    Even you, me, the world
    Good or bad, we live
    We breathe, we fight a new day
    We're here
    We savor life, as
    About us

    I'm grateful, to everything
    To the world
    to all, to life
    I'm grateful for thinking
    For exist
    By God, for being able to express myself

    Just gratitude!

    I hope this post gives you a thousand reasons to be grateful!

    Because life goes on... and we need to be strong! Resist!

    Nature always shows us that the strong are the ones who continue!
    And I am grateful that even in the difficulties, life gives me countless reasons to live, and to be able to continue, firm and strong!

    Gratitude to life, to everything

    Thank you for reading my post;

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Be happy! Simply happy!


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