Gratitude – Key to Nurturing Health and Abundance

“Thank you so much, that's all I have to say.
Singing is my way of saying thank you
The warmth of this affection that I keep inside
An arrangement of stars shining in the chest (…)”


The word gratitude originates from the Latin expression “gratus”, translated as to be grateful or to be grateful. Derived from “gratia”, in Latin grace.

“Todah”, gratitude in Hebrew, is the action of being grateful, showing gratitude.

St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine wrote treatises on gratitude, stating that there are levels to the awareness and practice of gratitude.

Expression used frequently over the last few years, reason for jokes and sarcastic imitations by some people, of endless philosophical discussions about the “banalized” use of the word.

Starting point of esoteric principles of communion with the divine and spiritual, healing mantra in spiritual practices of different faiths.

How do you feel gratitude?

Is it felt in the heart in a deep connection of reverence for life, for something conquered (spiritual or material)?

Does being grateful to yourself have the same force as the age-old teaching of love for yourself?

To feel deeply the state of gratitude is to experience and recognize the beauty of genuine grace that pulsates in your essence, it is an energetic connection with yourself and at the same time with an event outside of you that mobilizes the feeling of gratitude.

To the point of turning complaints, complaints, negative beliefs, low self-esteem, in the face of the facts of life, into Masters!

Sourness, controlling instinct and negativism are transformed from seeing, listening, and refined intuition towards an internal or external event that triggers emotional, mental or physical discomfort.

In other words, life's challenges are seen as opportunities for learning and self-development. Feeling deep gratitude is having the courage to express that feeling, it's something liberating. It frees us from pain, makes us mature, opens the doors to abundance and prosperity.

Gratitude – Key to Nurturing Health and Abundance
eggeeggjiew / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Nobody imagined that a year ago a virus could cause an enormous change in the planet, in human relationships, in the economy, in health, in education, in life. Death, neglect, unlived bereavement, separations, emotional upheavals, loss of direction, commercial disputes, political advantages, levels of violence have increased and along with all this the levels of anxiety and stress have risen on an alarming scale.

But the other side of the story invites us to feel gratitude for everything!

“After so long
I keep standing
after so long
my faith came back
that I had lost in myself
I know it's hard
It is not that simple (…)"

“Gratidão”, Capital Inicial (composition: Alvin L./Dinho Ouro Preto/Yves Passarell)

Yes, we are facing the possibility of reviewing our choices, allowing the new planetary consciousness to be born.

We are responsible for the general state of the world, and changing the mindset is the way to reduce and transmute the side effects of diseases of the soul manifested in the mental, physical and emotional body.

Gratitude – Key to Nurturing Health and Abundance
Chinnapong / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Feeling gratitude, studying the way we express gratitude, and releasing the flow of gratitude is essential for personal and collective healing.

My experience is one of deep gratitude to my ancestors. When I recognized, thanked and honored them all, I felt a great weight being transformed into potency and creativity.

From this, how to feel genuine gratitude?

  • To honor everyone who came before us: in the family, at work, in affective relationships.
  • Honor the autobiography, all choices, joys, certainties, uncertainties, successes, challenges, victories, learning; yes and no form who you are today and who you can become tomorrow.
  • Respect the past and free yourself from what holds you back.
  • Appreciate and contemplate Nature and its subtleties, its cycles, its movements, its phases.
  • Feel at a cellular level the love for oneself and the personal potential to contribute to the creation of a lighter, dignified and egalitarian world.
  • Take peaceful, ethical and intelligent positions for the collective good.
  • Recognize and work with limiting beliefs and internal saboteurs that keep you stagnant, projecting your justifications onto others. This will open the doors to the brilliant journey that awaits you.
  • Breaking the cycle of fear and comparison with others, as Paula Toller says in the song “(…) the others are the others and only (…)”.
  • Work the feminine and masculine energies in you, integrating them so that you are whole and can live the joys of life.
  • Nurture your spirituality, take care of the spirit and body.

Deep gratitude is one of the nourishing foods of life. Be grateful consciously, without expecting rewards or applause, because natural laws are wise and good done will come to you in different ways.

You may also like

  • Discover the power of the word gratitude
  • 11 ways to cultivate gratitude
  • See what you should be thankful for

Enjoy Gratitude Day and create a 2021 logbook of everything that makes you grateful or create the gratitude jar (in 2017 I made one, it was an amazing experience). You will see that you have more reasons to be thankful than to complain (cry again).

Happy 2021… let us remain confident that the cure for any illness is born in us and only then manifests itself in the form of a state of health in all areas of life!

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