Gratitude Challenge

The word “gratitude” is used a lot these days as a form of thanks, but its meaning goes much deeper than simply giving thanks. When we say “thank you”, we automatically refer this act to an improvement, a help or a favor that we receive from someone. In a broader sense, “gratitude” can be explained as a comprehensive recognition for situations and gifts that life gives us. Being grateful is recognizing the details of life and valuing every moment, whether good or bad, because everything is learning.

The habit of “practicing gratitude” can completely transform a person's life. When we recognize something, we position ourselves in front of life in a receptive and open way, directing our brain to be more positive in the face of unpleasant situations. In this way, gratitude carries the power to improve personal relationships, health, levels of happiness, among many other benefits that only those who are grateful know!

Analyze some daily situations, such as how you deal with an unpleasant situation: something bothers you and you react negatively. So far so good, because our reaction is automatic in the face of events, but the way you deal with what happens to you is what defines how everything will unfold. If you are grateful and act with good vibes, things will leave the negative course and come back lighter. If you feed bad feelings and just complain, everything gets heavier and harder to resolve.

Gratitude Challenge
Eternal Happiness / Unsplash

Gratitude is a feeling, so the more you practice it, the more it renews your being and, consequently, your life. What do you think about doing a 15-day challenge where being grateful will be the main focus so that, in this way, you know the transformative power that gratitude has?

We are sure that after this test, being grateful will become automatic in your daily life and you will see life and all that it offers you with different eyes!

Come on!

Day 1 – Make a list

When you wake up, make a list of 10 things you are grateful for and justify them. It can involve blessings of the day, events that made you smile, people that make you feel good, whatever you think of at the time! The practice of writing will make you search your mind for some everyday details and express what you feel. In this way, you will read and reflect on what is being expressed at the moment. When putting a thank you on paper, we automatically read it and recognize it, even if we didn't pay the attention it deserves to something at a given time. When you finish the list, say “thank you” for each item mentioned. You will surely feel the value of every thing described!

Day 2 - Relationships

We all know that relationships, whether loving or not, have great weight in our being. On this day, you will write on a piece of paper the names of three people who have great importance and influence in your life and energy. It doesn't matter if the relationship is currently on the rocks; If so, this will help you to solve it! After writing the names on a piece of paper, describe what you like and don't like about each one. Read at least twice and be grateful for every defect and quality. This act will help you to accept people as they are and also to find ways to resolve misunderstandings, as you will realize that each being is unique and that the act of gratitude emphasizes the permanence of people in your life.

Day 3 - Health

Health is the most precious asset a human being can have. Be grateful, on this day, for your health. Look at you and your physique. Sit outside on green grass and look at your body in detail. As you look, give thanks for your feet, legs, arms, for everything. Say the word “gratitude” for each sensation you feel when you touch your skin. With the rush of days, we don't notice our breathing and we rarely thank you for it. Take a deep breath and feel the air going in and out of your lungs. Close your eyes and feel! After doing this, take a small piece of paper that can be folded and put in your wallet or purse and write: I'M HAPPY BECAUSE I'M HEALTHY!

Gratitude Challenge
Jackson David / Unsplash

Day 4 – Money

This is the problem and solution of many things (so many say). Everyone wants to have more and more money, and that becomes a big burden. We always emphasize the lack of it, never thanking you for what you have already obtained during life, so today you will dedicate 10 minutes of your day to stop and think about everything you have already achieved financially. Calm down, we're not talking about the things you bought or wanted to buy, but from that time when you were a child and didn't even have a dollar to buy something. Someone worked hard to give you food, clothes and housing. At that time you were fed, educated, slept in a warm bed and spent a total of zero reais, have you ever stopped to think about it? Think about those moments and with each memory that comes to your mind say a big “thank you”. Then take a 10 reais bill and write: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING I HAD AND HAVE.

Important: if you are in a bad moment financially, still give thanks, because the complaint brings with it a weight and undoes all your intention to promote good things to yourself with gratitude.

Day 5 - Negativity

As was briefly said at the beginning of this article, YOU have the power to decide what the energies that hover over your life situations will look like. If there's something bothering you that day, stop, reflect on how you can solve it and at the same time thank you for another learning. Remember how many difficult situations you have faced and emphasize to yourself that not everything has to be heavy. We often problematize simple things and make everything much more complicated than it really is. YOU can emanate good energies and receive double. It's that saying: "each one gives what he receives", you know?

To practice writing and reading your own feelings, write on a piece of paper: I'VE GOT IT, I CAN, I'M GRATEFUL. Always carry this paper with you, so that in difficult times, you can observe it and remember that you can do anything!

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Day 6 - Food

We live in a world where almost everything is outsourced and we don't even stop to think about it. We no longer value eating time or pay attention to what we put into our bodies, so we eat on the run when we feel hungry or thirsty. Have you ever felt hungry or thirsty? Have you ever felt the moment when the water you drink wets your mouth and gives you one of the best sensations in the world, which is to quench your thirst? I bet not! Today's exercise is very simple: serve a glass of water at the temperature you like and drink slowly, feeling the water quench your thirst. In the meantime, think about the path each food that satisfies your hunger takes to reach your table. Remember that people produce, plant, harvest, wash... Be grateful for the work of the hands of those you don't even know, but who are part of your life! When the water is running low, say aloud: THANK YOU!

Day 7 – Spread gratitude

On this day, wherever you go, notice the details of each person and be grateful to them. Surprise them by saying “thank you” for any accomplishment or for simply being there in their day. I venture to say that some people won't understand when they hear "gratitude" from an unknown person, but they will surely smile, comment with someone and get a little flea behind their ear. Spread gratitude wherever you go, verbalize this word full of feeling to at least 10 people and count the smiles you will receive, including those you will give for feeling the good energy that being grateful produces!

Gratitude Challenge
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

Day 8 – Morning of joy

You're on the eighth day of the gratitude challenge and it's time to wake up giving thanks. When you open your eyes, say "thank you". Give thanks for being alive, for the night's sleep, for the time to rest and exhale good energies before you even put your feet on the ground. Your day, you make it! Take the famous paper and write down: I WILL MAKE MY DAY AMAZING. Put it in your pocket, because at some unnoticed moment you will find it and remember that you woke up thanking you.

I bet that today you already feel a little of the lightness of gratitude! We're almost halfway through the challenge, but you can now share with us the change you've noticed in your life in this initiation of being grateful daily!

Day 9 – Important people

We all have people who have influenced our lives in some way. Today is the day to write down the name of 3 of these extraordinary people who have been or are part of great changes or learning in your life. Write down the name of each one and, next to it, write the event that unites your beings. Say thanks aloud with “thank you” and “gratitude”, one after the other, as you read the name and benefit of each one in your life. Remember: by practicing gratitude, you have a great chance of making someone's list in a very positive way. Just imagine if you improved the day of that unknown person who received your gratitude on the 7th?! It would be too gratifying to realize that gratitude transforms a day with just a smile, right?

Day 10 – Make wishes come true

Today is a day of accomplishment and good feelings! You will make a list with 10 wishes and then make another list with the same wishes, but rewritten as if you were placing an order for someone. Mentalize each desire being fulfilled and pay attention to the sensations you will feel. When each wish comes true, say thank you three times out loud. But, why? In some religions, gratitude comes before the realization of plans or desires. Remember that you attract what you emanate? Give thanks for every request and we guarantee that your wishes will come true, because gratitude never fails!

Gratitude Challenge
Taylor South-Melesh / Unsplash

Day 11 – Relationship healing

It's the day to turn heartache into love through gratitude! If you have a difficult relationship with someone, whether with a friend, family or boyfriend, today is the day to resolve it! It is worth emphasizing here that all these exercises will feed the power of gratitude in you, which will transform your way of relating to others. Come on, take a blank sheet of paper and write down all the good times you've had with the person you currently have a problem with. It may be that for reasons of sorrow, some bad memory comes, but channel your energies in the good times and focus on the goal: to be grateful! Good is greater than evil and you know it! Give thanks for every second of this person's presence in your life and emanate forgiveness!

Day 12 – Walk down your street

Walking is an extremely beneficial exercise for health. Usually people walk with headphones in their ears with some music playing, but today you will walk paying attention to everything that happens around you. Feel your feet touching the ground, the strength of your legs to take the next step and thank the wind that touches your face. When you get home, look in the mirror and give thanks for the city, the streets, for the air you breathe and drink that glass of water on the 6th, vibrating with a loud “gratitude”!

Day 13 – Magical Obligations

You know those things you have to solve but lack courage? You didn't even have to think much, did you? You will write them down on a piece of paper with the title “magical obligations” and you will choose three of them that you will be grateful for today. Write down how you would like to resolve them and what would happen if they were already resolved. Read aloud and give thanks for each completed obligation. In this case, gratitude will help you with courage and strength not to give up!

Gratitude Challenge
 Anna Shvets / Pexels

Day 14 – Grateful Heart

Today is the day to intensify feelings in the heart. Did you know that many health problems are pathologies that result from emotional problems? Yes, emotions have great power, so today you are going to look inside yourself. As? Oh, that's easy! You will sit on your bed or on the sofa in your house, then you will close your eyes and imagine the contours of your heart and what is inside it, what you allowed to enter, what is still there, what hurts and which makes him vibrate with joy. After that, give thanks for the strength you have and also remember the 2nd, when you thanked for the presence of some people in your life and, this time, feel grateful again, only from the heart, for each one of them!

Day 15 – Remember the Blessings

Every day is a day and in each one a different blessing presents itself. Today is the last day of the challenge and also the “remember” day. You will remember the blessings of the previous day and you will say GRATITUDE for every little detail of them. It is worth remembering that the air you breathed should also be part of this gratitude, but I think that on that day you are already an expert in the blessing that is to be grateful!

Our gratitude challenge is over, and there are reports that in the “world of gratitude” some people feel physical signs as feelings of gratitude increase, as they start to feel a good feeling in the chest area, their eyes fill with tears or shudder more easily. All people, without exception, feel their level of joy and happiness greatly increase.

How was it for you? Leave here your report and your changes during our challenge. Don't forget to share with friends so they can feel the magic of gratitude too!

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