Going to church doesn't bring you closer to God

Attending church regularly is not enough for you to be a Christian or to be really close to God, contrary to what most people believe.

The thought is old, but sleeping daily in a garage will not transform you into a car, just as assiduously attending a church will not transform you into a Christian if outside the temples there is no change in attitudes.

It is necessary to go beyond the walls of the temple, it is necessary to go beyond religious discourses and biblical jargon that are often summarized in just words, which contradict unchristian attitudes that, being so small and frequent, become imperceptible for those who practice them, but immense for those who receive them.

Faith without attitudes is a dead faith and a dead belief is nothing but a rotting corpse, which, in addition to being useless, is harmful and inconvenient for everyone who is forced to approach it. Spending hours, days, months, years inside a church, preaching, working and even offering money and material donations do not guarantee closeness to God.

Going to church doesn't bring you closer to God
Pixabay / Pexels

The distance between you and God is the same distance between you and the people you live with on a daily basis, whether due to family, affective ties or professional needs.

It is not for nothing that Jesus placed the love the next as the second greatest commandment of the law of God. Why didn't he make temple attendance a commandment, or even daily celebrations, or engaging in church work as one of the main points of the Christian faith?

Certainly, because since the time of Jesus, there were assiduous visitors to the temples, whose relationship with others was surrounded by legalism, judgment, impiety, oppression, injustice and cruelty.

From the time of Jesus to now, time has passed, and today there are many people who do not leave the churches, who talk about God all the time, see sin in everything, but make hell in the lives of their neighbors, sometimes out of envy, sometimes for various resentments and prays for considering himself a person so holy as to have the right to despise “sinners”, who do not practice their “acts of faith”.

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Not to mention the many lay religious who exploit employees by paying unfair wages and charging, especially from the brothers of the faith, the maximum production and professional commitment, even reaching moral harassment.

Of course, going to a church is essential and very important, regardless of which one you prefer. However, it is far from the temples that you build a true relationship with God, through obedience to the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself.

So, before going to church, reflect on what you have done and do outside of it.

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