Go beyond your words

    Go beyond your words
    Words can transform your life. words can transform the world. However, words will be nothing more than beautiful fruitless noises if they are not converted into attitudes, into actions that express the firm decision to promote the necessary or desired changes in your life.

    Words build dreams. Attitudes convert projects, plans and goals into accomplishments.

    In the abode of the future, words may be the walls, but attitudes and only the power of attitudes build the foundation, the floor and the ceiling.

    Words form the aroma, but only attitudes are enough to feed the soul, nourish and strengthen the spirit.

    Words are instruction manuals for life while attitudes are toolboxes.

    Words form the ticket to happiness, but the plane that will take you there is called โ€œattitudesโ€.

    Words are promises, attitudes are commitments, evidence. Words are gray, and on the other hand, only attitudes give more color to the world around us.

    Words are inert eggs. However, attitudes are eagles that fly high, see far and hunt with mastery.

    Words are acts of survival, attitudes are sighs of life and life in abundance.

    Attitudes are the words that spring from the soul and are often not verbalized by the mouth.

    Decisions and attitudes are cries of the soul who wants to go further, wants to stop suffering the limitations that sadden him daily.

    So either speaking or silently. Go beyond mere words.


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