Glass full or empty?

    A survey carried out by Peter Diamandis, founder of Singularity University, in California (USA), tells us that we have never lived in a time of so many opportunities on our planet.

    The research explains the question that must be on most people's minds: but if everything is changing for the better, why then is there only bad news in the newspapers and the feeling is that we are sinking into quicksand?

    It's our brain's fault! Thanks to a defense mechanism commanded by a part of the brain, called the cerebral amygdala, we are directed to pay more attention to everything that represents a threat to our survival. It's been that way since our origins. All the events sounded like a death sentence. So our brain got used to this alarmist mechanism and guides us to this day to always prefer โ€œseeing the glass more empty than fullโ€.

    To circumvent this system, we have to be smarter than our own brain. Since we're talking about optimism, here's some good news: you can exchange the darkness of caves for the brightness of the sun.

    To be pessimistic is to let the fear of the worst block the search for solutions. This cannot be confused with the act of analyzing the negative points and risks of the situation. Informing yourself is always prudent, even if the analysis only generates bad information.

    There is a kind of positive pessimism, which is when we project the worst case scenario in order to avoid it. There are people who work this way, and we could even call this style pragmatic optimism. In this case, it is a false pessimist.
    Fearing risks is normal, but often people seek bad news just to avoid facing a challenge. Analyze yourself. If you feel like you are sabotaging yourself, look for positive information to balance the scales. On the contrary, it's just laziness. Laziness is not a disease, but a state of mind.

    Glass full or empty?If looking into the future and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel isn't working to reverse your lack of stimulation, try looking into the same tunnel and imagining it in complete darkness. The future will come anyway. Better with light, right?!

    Adopt a phrase for your life, such as: "There is no defeat for those who do not give up the fight". Make a plan and take action. Make temporary adjustments. Try different ways. The focus should be on improving the situation.

    Don't count on collective optimism to start taking action. People are different and live in different contexts. Therefore, Don't let the pessimism of others influence you. Know what to expect from each partner, regardless of their mood.

    If you want significant changes in your life and don't know where to start, Coaching is a solution and can help you.

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