Get your dreams off paper

    There are few things in life worth fighting for. Dreams are worth every drop of blood or sweat. We all have those desires that may seem distant, but that awaken that spark that lives inside each of us and that encourages us to seek what we dream of. If you once had a dream, but gave it up, now is the right time to go back to looking for it. If you still haven't figured out what your dream is, now is the time to find out. And if you've already fulfilled a dream, it's time to fulfill even bigger ones. But how to do all this? The first step is self-knowledge.

    Have you ever noticed how we are stimulated to chase other people's dreams? It could be the desire of the family that wants you to follow a professional area different from the one you like or the desire of society to make you have a very questionable standard of success... It seems that there is little time left for us to think about what really makes us happy. This is the first step to making any dream come true: Find out what really makes you happy. Get rid of ego and prejudices. Get rid of what others call success. What matters at this stage is to find out what your model of success is, what will really make you feel fulfilled. If this task is difficult, seek a method of self-knowledge, such as therapy, an esoteric study, some kind of meditation.

    If you've passed the first stage, now it's time to put your feet on the ground and analyze reality. Each person lives in a different social and economic condition. The environment you live in influences your choices and can increase or decrease opportunities, so you need to be smart. Start training your observation and see how opportunities to get closer to your dream appear in the most unexpected places. This is a phase of looking for opportunities. Don't underestimate even the small ones, because they can pave the way for a much bigger opportunity that is yet to come.

    Get your dreams off paperOnce you've identified the opportunities, it's time to get your hands dirty. Work and continuous development should be mantras for you. Think that everything you learn and all the work you do can help you get closer to your dreams. Set goals and set deadlines for you to achieve each necessary step. At this point, discipline is essential to stay firm. If you work and develop day after day, you will see that, little by little, everything will be possible, including your dreams.

    This text aims to awaken in you the motivation needed to pursue your dreams. It might not be easy, it might not be quick, but when you get there you'll see that all the effort you put in along the way was worth it. If there is an essential tip for this, it is: work hard and never give up. Good luck!

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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