From monoideism to the ovoid condition

The exchange with the Spirits allows us access to knowledge related to the nature of the spirits, that is, ourselves, which end up making possible the awareness of the mechanisms to which we are inserted, and the consequent benefit if we apply them diligently.

This is the case of the psychography carried out in a Mediumship Meeting at CEFCX – Francisco Cândido Xavier Spiritist Center, in São José do Rio Preto – SP, on the night of August XNUMX, XNUMX, dictated by the Spirit João, to the medium Antônio Carlos Navarro, which we reproduce below:

The dynamism of life, as a whole, alone attests to the evolution to which we are linked.

Of the three principles, God, Spirit and Matter, Spirit is the Being destined to evolve from simplicity and initial ignorance.

From that point onwards, he seeks, out of Divine fatalism, the state of relative perfection that will allow him to perceive ultimate reality and, consequently, to perceive undisturbed happiness.

It is observed, however, that on the threshold between animality and humanity, in a band that overlaps one and the other, the Spiritual Being stages in a period of learning and development from speech, in parallel with the development of thought towards the continuous use of your “Mental House”.

Some develop more quickly, although to the less forewarned eyes it may seem like a privilege, while others, by virtue of their own perception of reality, choose to delay in the evolutionary trajectory.

The intellectual capacity belongs to the Spiritual Being, which expands as it experiences life, whether incarnated or disincarnated.

Choosing to remain stationary, perhaps out of pride and vanity, perhaps out of self-indulgence, the absence of the search for new consciential levels through intellectual or emotional-sentimental development will engender the resurgence of dynamic and, therefore, creative energies. , and will tend to be subject to a centripetal force that will be implanted reversing the process of consciential expansion and, consequently, of the perispiritual constitution, which, in turn, is subject to the mental command of the Spirit.

From monoideism to the ovoid condition

Once the “outside-in” movement has been implemented, the Spiritual Being will have great difficulty freeing itself from its consequences.

At first, it will draw its limbs to meet the trunk; and arriving at it, the dullness continues to lead the molecules that compose it to decrease the molecular spaces, creating a synergy that will accelerate the now rotational movement, creating the ovoid appearance, reaching the apex when all the components of the perispiritual structure merge into a single be ovoid in shape.

For these cases, time, always time, will be an essential measure for the regularization of the original form.

Vibrational treatments in the Spiritual Plan and approximation with qualified incarnates may bring some benefit to a greater or lesser degree, however, only through the reincarnation attempt will success in correcting the situation be achieved.

Many times several attempts are necessary, because the Being, in these conditions and of its own accord, is impregnated with feelings contrary to the dynamics of life.

As it experiences conjunction with the fertilized ovum, it is subject to the mechanical command of the structure of the human genetic material, which in turn will force the perispiritual organization to spring up.

Teratology presents impressive cases, not always the result of spectacular suicide, but also of ovoid processes resulting from existential inertia.

The escape from growth results in extraordinary work on the evolutionary path.

From monoideism to the ovoid condition

We will also observe the introjection

In centripetal force, too, leading the physical body, in a newly born period, to the resurgence that will make it close to an animalized image.

In this way, every effort must be made to progress, evidently, prioritizing the noble values ​​of life, so as not to expose oneself to unnecessary risks and to reach new existential phases that are increasingly rich in opportunities and possibilities for success.

To each one according to his works, says the Divine Law and, therefore, no one goes through what he has not projected, consciously or not, for himself.

On our part, there is a duty to help and love these beings, so that as soon as possible they can experience relief and seek, for themselves, the necessary recovery.

It is what we would like to be done to us, if we were in their place.

The dynamics of life is Love, and Love is feeling at its highest point, teaches us the promised Consoler, so we must not only love our neighbor, but also ourselves, creating, with intelligence and good will, the field of progress for ourselves to tread.

A lot of peace.

Let's think about it.

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