Freethinking: A Practical Guide

We humans like to think we are free-thinking, but how many of us really are? How many people really think for themselves, without falling prey to beliefs or ideologies? How many are not heavily influenced by the biased information the media presents? How many aren't opting for certain opinions just because there's an authority figure telling them to take their view as the truth?

The truth is that most people don't know how to think critically and, blindly, end up accepting the beliefs that society imposes. But unless one learns how to think for oneself, how can one grow to be more conscious and wise? It's impossible.

So how can a person learn to think for himself? Well, here is a small but concise practical guide on how to have independent thinking that will help you to break free from the prison of beliefs and come to your own conclusions in search of the truth.

Freethinking: A Practical Guide

How to have independent thinking

Doubt your beliefs. The first and most important step in having an individual thought is to doubt the beliefs that others have forced on you. Whatever they may be—religion, political, philosophical position, etc. — be sure to question, investigate, and discard them when you find no evidence to support them.

Question authorities. Many people choose to obey and follow what the authorities say is right. They don't think for themselves — instead, they let others think. An independent thinker never accepts anything by authority. He/she asks questions and is open to accepting any answer that points to the truth, even if it goes against the opinions and beliefs of those who have more “power”.

Watch your behavior. Although we are free, most of our actions are done on an unconscious level. In a way, we are victims of our habits. To think independently, you need to be more aware of your thoughts, actions, and behavior in general. Once you've done that, you'll be able to understand yourself better and make more conscious choices, without behaving a certain way just out of habit.

Stop settling. Another important step towards free thinking is to separate yourself from groups. People choose to conform in various ways just to feel accepted and to impress others. To achieve this, many people assume what others say to be true for fear of being left out.

By escaping the herd mentality, you will be able to think more clearly without being pressured by others.

Think critically. Learning how to use your critical thinking is the most important step towards independent thinking. If you cannot analyze and criticize some information, you will be an easy victim to be manipulated and even controlled. Critical thinking will help you in the search for the truth, preventing you from being influenced by biased comments and false information.

Voice your mind. Whoever thinks independently is a rebel. He is a person who is not afraid to speak his mind, no matter what opposition he has to face. Whatever you think is true, important or right, tell others, speak openly about it even if you are the only person with the courage to do so.

Search. An independent thinker cares for the truth like no other. In this journey, there are guides that can help us reach it more easily and quickly. If you are looking for the truth, it will be helpful to gather knowledge from as many sources as you can, whether through books, documentaries, podcasts, and so on. Do anything that helps you to broaden your awareness.

Keep an open mind. Last but not least, free-thinking people have an open mind. This happens when a person is open to learning new things and prepared to change their perception in the face of new evidence. Those who think independently do not accept anything blindly, but at the same time they do not abstain from new ideas that can change their vision.

There's no way, in one way or another, we are influenced to think or act in a certain way, whether for internal reasons (force of habit, laziness) or external (manipulation, education), but that doesn't mean we can't train ourselves. to be different. Follow this guide and slowly start policing yourself. Those who think independently are able to free themselves from the shackles of common sense and, thus, live more wisely and consciously.

Written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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