Forgive, but first forgive yourself, then healing happens

For a long time there has been talk of the benefits of forgiveness for human health, of the consequences that untreated grievances can have on a person's physical and mental sphere, and that it is necessary to forgive in order not to get sick.

A study by the psychoanalyst from SĂŁo Paulo Susana Avezum showed that forgiveness can reduce the risk of a heart attack: Susana followed 130 people in two groups for two years, with similar profiles in age, sex, lifestyle and economic status and observed that in one group all had suffered AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction and the other did not. In the first group, a common characteristic: They went through life situations in which they had not forgiven.

The psychoanalyst says that resentments and hurts generate stress and provoke in our body physiological responses of defense each time the event is relived and this can lead to diseases, but when forgiveness is worked on, these defenses of the organism are relaxed, healing of the heartache and body.

Forgive, but first forgive yourself, then healing happens
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Even knowing all this, who said that forgiving is simple and easy? That one word is enough and everything is resolved?

As children, we learned the universal prayer “Our Father”: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” and we heard that Christ himself asked the Father to forgive his wrongdoers.

But what about when the difficulty is forgiving yourself? If we are capable of forgiving those who hurt us, then why not forgive ourselves for failures and mistakes made in the past, and that includes having trusted the one who caused us pain.

Forgive, but first forgive yourself, only then does healing take place.

To forgive is to forgive the offense suffered and that doesn't mean completely forgetting what hurt us, but being able to move on without the pain when remembering what happened, living in the present and thus leaving the situation there in the past, without dragging it like a burden for life

For some people it is spontaneous, for others it takes effort. It is possible to learn to forgive and forgive yourself, so if you have to, don't hesitate: seek professional help. Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts can help with this process when you can't go it alone.

New year, a new cycle begins and with it an excellent opportunity to exercise and put the end that was missing and bring a new color to the days: Forgive and forgive yourself. So, let's go in this together? Happy new FORGIVENESS!

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