For 2022 I wish you more spirituality

    You see, I'm talking about spirituality, not religiosity. Spirituality frees, aggregates and activates love. Religiosity instills fear, guilt and generates separation. And watch out! Religiosity does not live only in the temples of religions; it is everywhere that carries an ideology that separates people.

    In spirituality there are no material temples, because the only temple is you. Your body, your mind and the way you feed it physically, emotionally, cognitively and energetically will determine your connection or disconnection with the divine.

    If you feed on separatist ideologies, you will always be in the game of me and them, guilt and fear, right and wrong, division. And in division there is no sum, there is no genuine love, there is no respect for differences, there is no joining of forces to curb violence, hunger, prejudice or any other type of human pain.

    Don't be part of humanity's "idiocy" plan that teaches what we call "civilized society" to hate and blame themselves and others. Don't be part of devolved party-political ideologies that have used the same polarized and pseudo-social discourses for years and transit in the theater of scissors, simply dazzled with power when they put their hands on it. Don't be part of this game! Don't be a piece of maneuver to perpetuate the power of these people who don't really care about yours, our people. They won't change the world. Not with the same proposals for division, in which attacks on others predominate.

    For 2022 I wish you more spirituality
    Natural Women Collection / Canva

    The change is up to me, to you. We will be the ones who change the world! Day after day, through concrete and continuous actions in favor of the human being that we can reach.

    You change the world when:

    • Choose to welcome rather than accuse.
    • He decides to feed a family in difficulty.
    • Adopt a student to buy their school supplies every year until they finish their studies.
    • Volunteering in a project to teach something that awakens the vision and empowers those people to a level of awareness and competence to leave where they are and create another better reality.
    • Give up on justifying yourself with words when attacked by another, who, quite rightly, calls you favored or whatever (these people don't know your story, your struggles and overcoming, so don't waste time with them). Instead, resolve to strengthen your actions on behalf of those who want to be helped.
    • Join serious, non-partisan organizations that undertake relevant actions to deal with hunger, education and the fight against violence (I can name a few, such as Mulheres do España, Rede Mulher Empreendedora, Junior Achievement, Projeto Pescar, Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, Lemann Foundation, among many others that you can indicate in the comments of this text).
    • It feeds love through gestures, positive communication, in the search for its continuous self-knowledge and, when it doesn't take the offenses of alienated people who are much more determined to judge and prove that they are right than to do something really useful and impactful. .

    I wish you a clear mind, a clean soul and a heart willing to love. Real love, not affinity love.

    I want you to get out of the linguistic trap that makes us believe that there is me and him, propagating separation or superiority of conditions or ideals. There is WE! There is ALL. There is a WHOLE out there that cries out for awareness, love and smarter attitudes.

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    I wish you the kind of spirituality that Christ taught us, not what some distortedly repeat around for carnal purposes, thinking about money, power and frugality.

    Don't be part of humanity's idiotic plan.

    There is a Divine Intelligence within you. Activate it! Put it into practice. And you will see the positive impact it is capable of making, in your life and in the lives of those around you.

    Happy 2022!

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