Foods that increase libido

Did you know that there are a variety of foods that increase libido? But first, do you know what it means? The word “libido” comes from Latin and means “desire”. Commonly this word is related to sexual desires that arise in different periods of adult life.

There are some types of libido that appear in both men and women, such as the desire to satisfy the other, sex addiction, addiction to sexual intercourse, lack of physical interest, among others. In women, the hormones that “command” the libido are estrogens, and in men, testosterone.

During certain moments of life, libido can be affected and many people feel practically “turned off” sexually when there is this little problem, whether hormonal or due to some external factor. Interest in sexual relations decreases, and many questions arise in the face of this fact. But what happens that causes libido to decrease? Check out the article and understand!

Foods that increase libido
Image by Nat Aggiato – By Pixabay

Why does libido decrease?

As already said, both men and women can feel that libido has simply decreased, but believe me: it doesn't happen out of nowhere! Many simple everyday factors can affect your sex drive and still go unnoticed. Low libido can occur due to stress, fatigue, thyroid problems, the continuous use of certain medications, depression, among other things that are often out of our control.

But what to do to increase libido? This is an easy question to answer, because one of the ways to spice up the relationship and make your desire rekindle, can be to consume some aphrodisiac foods! If you've never heard of them, understand what they are and check out some food options that increase libido!

Foods that increase libido
Image by Martin Merenyi – By Pixabay

Aphrodisiac foods that increase libido

The word “aphrodisiac” means any type of activity or substance that instills sexual or amorous desire. There are certain types of foods that contain specific properties that help our body produce specific hormones that cause libido to increase. Discover now 10 natural options to recover your libido:

1. Peanut

Peanut is a food rich in vitamin B3, which promotes the process of dilation of blood vessels – for this reason, it is closely related to increased sexual appetite and, therefore, libido. Oh, it also produces a lot of energy!

2. Watermelon

With a reputation as a refreshing fruit, watermelon may surprise you! It has amino acids that cause the effect similar to the effect of viagra. That's right! Watermelon is considered a natural viagra.

3. Nuts

Nuts are rich in zinc, which is an essential mineral for optimal production of the male hormone testosterone. In addition to benefiting your health, this fruit also provides an increase in libido.

4. Fresh oysters

Oysters are also high in zinc, which is linked to increased testosterone production, as well as stimulating a woman's vaginal lubrication. In addition, this food produces energy and gives the necessary disposition for the hour “h”.

Foods that increase libido
Image from Public Domain Pictures – By Pixabay

5. Clove

Clove is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac food! In ancient times, Indians used it as a remedy for low libido. How about making clove tea — which is even extremely tasty — to arouse your sexual appetite?

6. Kidneys

Fig consumption causes nitric oxide levels to increase in the human body. This is because this fruit contains a high content of amino acids that help normal sexual functions, both for women and men.

7. Bananas

Banana is an extremely rich fruit in several nutrients, and has an enzyme called "bromeliad", which promotes increased libido in men.

8. Coffee

Everyone knows caffeine for its energizing effect. But it also serves as a potent sexual stimulant. A cup of coffee and a dose of malice can give your libido a boost.

9. Oats

Oatmeal is a food that has substances that can be compared to female hormones that are produced by certain plants. This food balances hormone levels, benefiting sexual performance and libido.

Foods that increase libido
StockSnap Image – By Pixabay
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10. Sweet potato

Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, sweet potato promotes health to women's sexual organs and helps in the production of sex hormones.

Now that you know these libido-boosting food tips, share them with your friends! But attention: the effectiveness of these foods is not in the excess consumption of them! Be aware and, if necessary, follow up with a doctor to understand why your libido is low.

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