food that heals

    This past week I went to serve in a Vipassana meditation retreat. Vipassana is a meditation technique discovered by the Buddha when he realized that to get rid of suffering it was not enough to reach the highest degree of concentration, but also to get rid of attachments and aversions. This work is done through the frame of the body, the present moment, sensations and breathing, as it is.

    To learn to meditate on Vipassana, you must attend a ten-day course taught by master SN Goenka. There are centers all over the world and courses taking place every month.

    food that heals

    In courses, in addition to meditating for many hours a day, we must observe rules, which are to help achieve a degree of concentration and mental purity necessary for work. Silence is always respected, in addition to the rules of morality, such as not killing any animals inside and segregating men from women. The intention is that you live like a monk during these ten days, where you have the opportunity to keep your mind pure.

    A monk doesn't buy food, he begs. He accepts what is given to him by people and is grateful. In the master's experience, charging students money for courses does not work, as this ends up generating attachment, expectations and people do not accept the food offered, among other things. So nothing is charged for the courses. At the end of the course, as a way of thanking and showing your compassion, your desire that more people benefit from the teachings, you can donate money for the purchase of food and improvements for the next students who will come to the center or you can also donate your time , serving on a course, working in the kitchen. In addition, serving strengthens your meditation practice and we have the opportunity to study the technique.

    This is the experience I had, serving on a ten day course, working with 12 more servers and meditators, we served meals every day to 100 men and women. All the while paying close attention to the noble word, respecting the rules of the center and strengthening the practice of meditation and understanding of the technique in everyday life. And we worked hard!

    Throughout the course, we were able to participate in question sessions that the students openly asked the assistant professor and we became aware of their afflictions and difficulties. And as we had already taken the course, we knew that it is not easy. So I would cook and prepare desserts (that was my task) always thinking that that portion would not only be something sweet and delicious, but showered with affection and strength so that everyone would continue with determination and patience in the course.

    And soon I was noticing how the work became less tiring and more inspiring. In the end, the proof was given, as we received many gratuities for everything we cooked, despite the fact that no one there is a professional in the kitchen and has not prepared meals for so many people at the same time. We learned how the beans saved one person's spirits, how the dessert of that day surprised another, how the sprouted salads made everyone happy.

    And I knew, with absolute certainty, that the main ingredient we should put in food is just one. And it should be placed in abundance: love. That way, there is no food that goes bad.


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