Food balance and the search for a healthy organism

Having food balance is essential to maintain a healthy body: everything in excess is harmful! It is necessary to prepare, according to the needs of each one, a functional menu that invests in specific foods for each moment of the day, so that it is possible to have a great quality of life.

To have a balanced diet, it is necessary to moderate the consumption of some foods and, when necessary, give up those products that can be harmful to health. The human body needs specific nutrients to function properly - the regular consumption of certain foods, in addition to ensuring the proper development of the body, is responsible for the feeling of well-being after a meal.

It is very important to take care of food and always be connected to what the body needs, so that there is no wear and tear and so that diseases are not developed by simple food carelessness. The power to take care of your body is in your hands and we will help you with some tips!

Check now what a balanced diet is, what you should consume to maintain this balance so that your body is always healthy:

What does healthy eating consist of?

Food balance and the search for a healthy organism
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To meet the body's natural needs, a balanced diet consists of three basic requirements: 

Complete food: menu that basically contains all types of nutrients, whether they have properties for structural purposes such as proteins, to produce energy such as carbohydrates and fats and with balancing functions such as vitamins and minerals.

Healthy eating: menu that discards any exaggeration: the necessary amounts are separated between the different nutrients, in order to avoid any lack or excess between them.

Varied diet: consists of habitually consuming foods from different sources to ensure the intake of all the essential nutritional bases.

Food balance and the search for a healthy organism
Image of Roberto Justo Kabana by Pixabay

Foods that can be consumed daily, guilt-free!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily consumption of approximately 400g of fresh vegetables, vegetables and fruits, brings many health benefits. The WHO says that foods from these groups have properties that help prevent disease, balance the body and make the body function correctly. See some examples:

Proteins: proteins act directly on the synthesis of muscles, ensuring a totally healthy and natural development. They are also a great source of energy for the body and act in hormonal control. It doesn't matter if the proteins are of animal or plant origin, they guarantee the same benefits to the human body. Examples of plant-based proteins: quinoa, oilseeds and soy; of animal origin: meats, cheeses and milk.

Fruits: rich in dietary fiber, fruits support heart health and help balance the intestinal flora. This group has a great emphasis when it comes to immunity, as it has a high concentration of vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening the immune system and keeping it healthy to prevent diseases such as colds and flu. Examples of fruits: strawberry, banana, orange, lemon, plum, grape, watermelon, among many others!

Vegetables and vegetables: foods extremely rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, act directly in preventing anemia, improving brain function and strengthening bones. Examples: kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes, squash and spinach.

Food balance and the search for a healthy organism
Image of Jill Wellington by Pixabay

Foods that should be eaten in moderation โ€“ every now and then is fine!

Some foods have high concentrations of nutrients, but they need to be consumed with great caution, as they carry an excessive amount of calories, sugars, sodium, among other harmful substances that can unbalance the body. See some examples:

Carbohydrates: responsible for generating energy, carbohydrates benefit the heart and brain, but when consumed in excess, they can lead to considerable weight gain. Present in breads, rice and pasta, for example, it is not recommended that a person eat more than 6 grams of carbohydrates per day. An option for those who like these foods is to give preference to their wholegrain versions that contain more fiber.

Coffee: the famous coffee is present in the diet of a large part of the world population. Few know, but it keeps our immune system healthy, wards off bad moods and still gives us energy to face a full day. But of course, excesses automatically cut off any benefit! It is recommended that a person drinks 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day, never more than 400 mg of caffeine.

Chocolate: the much loved and at the same time feared, chocolate is usually the first choice of desserts and even a โ€œmedicineโ€ to alleviate the symptoms of a PMS. Cocoa itself is a very healthy food because it contains flavonoids, which benefit cardiovascular health and also speed up metabolism. To eat this sweet without guilt, always prefer the bitter version, which contains more cocoa - even so, don't overdo it!

Food balance and the search for a healthy organism
Image by Jan Vaลกek by Pixabay

Foods that should be avoided โ€“ these get in the way of food balance

Of course, it is very likely that at some point in your life you will consume some of these foods, but know that the less they are on your menu, the healthier you will be throughout life. The reason? They inflame the body and are responsible for the emergence of various diseases. Find out what they are:

Trans fat: found mainly in ice cream, snacks, margarine and even pre-cooked and frozen potatoes, trans fat is a villain that raises bad cholesterol levels in the body, considerably increasing the risk of heart disease. Always choose foods that have good fats, such as salmon, avocado or prepare food in healthier ways.

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Alcohol: People always find an excuse to consume alcoholic beverages without any weight on their conscience: too hot? A beer goes well; very cold? Nothing like a good wine to warm up! Drinking from time to time in small amounts is fine, but exaggeration can completely unbalance the functioning of the body. Consuming alcoholic beverages frequently causes the liver to have its functions reduced and therefore damages the cells and increases the propensity of cirrhosis. In addition to damaging the liver, alcohol interferes with some brain abilities and causes sudden mood swings. Prefer natural drinks, such as juices!

Industrialized foods: these are one of the biggest villains you can find in the food business! Processed foods are full of chemical additives and preservatives that damage our health, in addition to interfering with the absorption of various nutrients. Whether it's juices in a bag or box, frozen and processed meats, instant pasta, remove all these options from your menu and always choose naturally prepared foods!

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