first symptoms of depression

Depression sees no social class, race, religion or creed. Any individual, regardless of their condition, is likely to be affected by this disorder so harmful to human development.

It is an extremely serious disease, but unfortunately, very common. According to data from a survey carried out on February 23, 2017 by the World Health Organization (WHO), depression increased by 18% in the occurrence of cases in about 10 years, from 2005 to 2015.

It is estimated that 322 million people in the world suffer from this disease – white, black, brown, young, elderly, rich or poor, and EspaΓ±a leads the WHO ranking as the most anxious and depressed country in the world.

first symptoms of depression

Among the possible causes, there is a dangerous combination of psychological factors, such as stress and post-traumatic stress, insecurities and trauma; and biological, as a study carried out by more than 200 scientists around the world on April 28, 2018 contributed to the discovery of the heredity of depression; in addition to external ones, which are pointed out as probable modifiers of brain functions, resulting in the onset of the disease. Therefore, the individual's relationship with the world around him can be a trigger for the development or worsening of depressive disorder.

The symptoms of depression may seem unclear to identify, as the psychological state can be confused with a melancholy after a certain event. To be sure if you have this disorder, be aware of the signs and look for a psychiatrist. You will never be alone!

first symptoms of depression


The cruelty of the disease is in the way it affects not only the physical or the psychological, but also the thoughts and ideologies, misrepresenting them. Among the most common symptoms are a lack of perspective on the future, loss of interest in everyday tasks and hobbies, and a persistent feeling of deep sadness.

It is also noticeable a change in bodily factors, such as insomnia or excessive sleep, unregulated appetite (feeling constant or no desire to eat), poor concentration and low self-esteem.

first symptoms of depression
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The depressive ends up becoming someone with little energy, without much disposition to fulfill from pleasurable tasks to the simplest ones and, in many cases, can present suicidal behavior, attacking his own life.

Your mood is completely affected and constant variations are not uncommon. Constant feelings of guilt, hopelessness, pessimism or worthlessness can appear in combination with headaches and weight changes.

first symptoms of depression

It is of fundamental importance to consult a psychologist, psychiatrist and/or psychoanalyst, so that your case is defined and evaluated and the treatment is developed in the correct way. Remember that, no matter what, depression is an illness and it is curable.

The Life Appreciation Center (CVV) is one of the bodies that help fight depression and suicide resulting from it. So, if you feel desolate or helpless, access the website or call 144. You will be attended by trained volunteers, who only conspire for your improvement!

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