Find out if you've ever met someone who was part of your previous lives

In some moments of our life, we come across people who make us feel good, but at the same time strange. Have you ever met someone and felt like you already knew them from somewhere else, as if there was some kind of connection between you? There are those who call this feeling of having lived something before “déjà vu”, but there are also those who say that when this occurs it is because we have already experienced the same situations or had some kind of relationship with the same people in a past life.

These episodes of déjà vu are extremely normal, especially in the lives of more sensitive people who have an easier time connecting to the energy of others. When they occur, they usually last seconds and mess with our psychic ability, influencing and messing a lot with our sensations. Have you ever felt déjà vu before? Does this mean that you've bumped into someone who was part of your life at another time?

What does past life rescue mean?

When we talk about past lives, we automatically talk about the spiritist doctrine. Within Spiritism, the reincarnation of the spirit has the purpose of, through different “existences”, to evolve and rescue the damages of each one of them. In each possibility of reincarnation of a spirit, he has free choice to decide the path that his feet will trace. While some return to Earth in order to protect a relative or complete missions, others return for the so-called rescue of past lives.

This type of rescue is nothing more than the chance that God gives a person to redeem their wrongdoings and mistakes through repentance – always based on free will. Therefore, an individual returns to Earth to “pay” his debts, either with another person or with his own being. When reincarnating in a new body, everything that was lived is forgotten, so that a new beginning is possible - although some feelings or sensations may be present, but inactive.

Find out if you've ever met someone who was part of your previous lives
Daniel Torobekov / Pexels

These “remains” of other lives are the reasons why we have the feeling or impression that we have already lived something or that we have already lived with certain people. Sometimes a simple déjà vu can indicate that you have bumped into someone who was part of your past or who promotes latent sensations to be resolved within your own being.

How do I know if I have a spiritual connection with someone else?

Having a spiritual connection or connection with someone is practically having a gift in hand! This type of connection goes far beyond physical, emotional or carnal contact. It does not need reasons or explanations to exist or be detailed. It just is, and no matter how hard you try to decipher it, you won't be able to, for spiritual connections transcend our human knowledge. But it is possible to pay attention to some details to understand if this connection really exists. Check out:


When we have a spirit connection with a person, our relationship with him will always be based on truth. There is no need for any kind of external factor for this bond to be maintained and there are no pretense. Understanding is the key to this relationship, even when one of the parties makes a mistake, the other will always be willing to listen and understand – always with the aim of making the relationship evolve;

feeling of comfort

Spiritual connections make us comfortable! Relationships with this type of bond are light, without any kind of weight. There is no anxiety, no fear or insecurities – such things are usually present in more superficial or only carnal relationships;

deep intimacy

Anyone who has a spiritual connection with someone knows that intimacy is not just sexual. You know that person you look at, and even without saying a word, you can decipher what they are thinking or wanting? This is a level of soul intimacy, it cannot be built, it just exists!


When spirituality connects two beings, the Universe usually sends signals more often. Chance no longer has so much space and the synchronicities of life go against the energies that both emanate;

attraction of intellect

Spiritual connection makes two people able to talk about any subject for hours and hours. In this relationship, intellectuality is a natural attraction, in which the eyes of those involved shine when hearing any word or information from each other. It goes far beyond what can be touched or seen.

Signs I Know Someone From Past Lives

Knowing a person is not always a simple task, starting from the point that our relationships are not always as constant as we would like – many pass by us, some stay, while others pass and leave some marks on our being. Finding out if we know someone who has been part of our past lives is a way to strengthen a bond and even resolve issues or evolve in some area of ​​your life.

Find out if you've ever met someone who was part of your previous lives
Tom Swinnen / Pexels

If you have that feeling of knowing someone for a long time, but you can't explain why, check out the signs that this someone is probably in your past in some way:

Immediate connection

Most of the times when we meet a person for the first time, we don't feel a strong connection at first contact. When there is an immediate connection and you just feel connected to them, or feel easy to trust this person, it is very likely that you have had a good relationship or have had the same feelings for them in other lives;

Without explanation

Do you know when even for no reason we like someone a lot? And as much as we try to explain why such a feature, we can't?! If you've ever had this feeling for a person, this instant connection of latent, positive feelings can be a strong indication that you already know each other from past lives;

telepathic link

This doesn't mean that you can read a person's mind, but that some unexplained things often happen. This is the case when you think a lot about someone, and out of the blue he sends you a message, or when you feel bad and he can understand your feelings without having to hear a word from you;

No filters

When you're in the presence of someone you've known in other lifetimes, you can't hide anything from him. It's like it's impossible to mask your emotions and you feel the freedom to be whoever you want, without fear of judgment or that the person will think the wrong things about you;

Feeling of security: when we feel safe with a person, it can be a sign that we already live with them on another plane. The feeling of being at home and being “embraced” spiritually is a way of realizing that you were once protected or protected an individual in another incarnation.

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As much as there are many signs to find out if you know someone from another life, you must always focus on your heart's intention and what that someone gives you, regardless of materialities. The best way to perceive such a feat is to always be open to the evolution of your spirit so that it is possible to bump into those who have already participated in your experiences on another plane.

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