Fifth Scroll – I will live today as if it were my last day

    I will live today as if it were my last day. I will live this day as if it were my last.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, with confidence.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, trusting my own intuition.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, because I know the value of death and I know much more the value of life.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, realizing the great lessons I've had in life. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day, following the path that makes my heart flutter. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day, because my thinking shows me valid, without having to get sick to motivate me.

    Fifth Scroll – I will live today as if it were my last day

    I will live today as if it were my last day, forgetting the misfortunes, the defeats of yesterday and the heartaches, for yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more. 

    I'll live today like it's my last day and I won't think about tomorrow, because tomorrow is as buried as yesterday and I won't think about it anymore.

    I'll live today like it's my last day, yeah! This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I greet this sunrise with joy and gratitude.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, so grateful for this priceless gift: a new day.

    Fifth Scroll – I will live today as if it were my last day

    I will live today as if it were my last day, for this well-deserved bonus.

    I'll live today like it's my last day, 'cause I was allowed to live this extra day, a rare opportunity in life. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day, because in this experience I have but one life and life is nothing but a measure of time.

    I will live today as if it were my last day, without wasting “today”, otherwise I destroy the last page of my life.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will hold this day with both hands, with my heart and I will caress with love every minute of this day, for its value is priceless. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day and for every second and moment I will make them priceless!

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will avoid any wastage of time, as well as procrastination, which I will destroy with actions; doubt, which I will bury under faith; and fear, which I will confidently dismember.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will not allow idleness as I am a man of love and today is my last chance to prove my love and my greatness.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will not allow idleness as I am a woman of love and today is my last chance to prove my love and my greatness.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will fulfill today's duties today.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will caress my children while they are young, for tomorrow they will be gone and so will I.

    Fifth Scroll – I will live today as if it were my last day

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will hug my wife with sweet kisses, because tomorrow she will leave and so will I.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will hug my husband with sweet kisses, because tomorrow he will leave and so will I.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will help a friend in need, for tomorrow he will no longer cry for help, nor will I hear his cries.

    I will live today as if it were my last day and I will give myself to sacrifice and work, because tomorrow I will have nothing to give and there will be no one to receive. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day, and if it is, it will be wonderful! I will make this the best day of my life!

    I'll live today like it's my last day and I will celebrate its fullness every minute.

    I'll live today like it's my last day and if it is, I will taste it and thank the heavens. 

    I will live today as if it were my last day, making every hour and every minute count. And then I will proceed.

    I'll live today like it's my last day, because my last day must be my best day.

    I will live today as if it were my last day. And if not, I'll fall to my knees and thank the heavens.

    Fifth Scroll – I will live today as if it were my last day

    I will live today as if it were my last day, with gratitude, forgiveness and love. For ingratitude brings sadness, the lack of forgiveness and forgiving oneself do not bring peace and lack of love corrupts the soul and destroys the BEING.

    I will live today as if it were my last day. 

    I will live this day as if it were my last.

    Gratitude! Namaste! I love Amituofo!

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