Fénelon's Message

    Fénelon's Message

    Always in our lectures, which with the pandemic were restricted and became non-face-to-face, we emphasize the information that we are spirits equal to those who are gone, with a single difference: that we are still in the material body, while those who are already made the passing wear a fluidic body, invisible to our eyes.

    By the way, I present to everyone one of the morning readings, with a mediumistic message that was received in the city of Sens, France, in 1861, and which has as its author the Spirit Fénelon, who in the carnal plane was a writer and poet , which says like this:

    “Speaking of a bad man, who escapes from danger, you usually say: “If I were a good man, I would have died. “Well, then, speaking in this way, you speak the truth, for, in fact, it often happens that God gives a longer trial to a spirit of progress still incipient than to a good one who, as a reward for his merit, will receive the grace of having make your ordeal as short as possible.

    Therefore, when you make use of that axiom, you do not suspect that you are uttering blasphemy.

    If a good man dies, whose neighbor is a bad man, you immediately observe: “I wish it were this man”. You enumerate an enormity, because the one who leaves has completed his task and the one who remains may not have started his. Why, then, would you want the bad one to lack time to finish it and the other to remain stuck on the land?

    What would you say if a prisoner, who has served the sentence pronounced against him, were kept in prison, while at the same time someone who was not entitled to it were restored to liberty?

    Know that true freedom, for the Spirit, consists in breaking the bonds that hold it to the body and that, while you are on Earth, you will be in captivity.

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    Get used to not censure what you cannot understand and believe that God is just in all things. Often, what seems to you to be an evil is a good. So limited, however, are your faculties that the whole of the great whole cannot be grasped by your dull senses.

    Make an effort to get out of your narrow sphere through thought, and as you rise, the importance of material life will diminish for you, which, in that case, will present itself to you as a simple incident, in the infinite course of your spiritual existence, the only true existence”.

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