Father's Day: Does the pandemic push us away or bring us closer?

The pandemic arrived, set in and is taking much longer than anyone could imagine... The Covid-19 virus brought, in addition to many losses, what no one was in the mood to live: loneliness. The hugs, the meetings, the many moments lived up close with those you love were interrupted due to force majeure.

For this new format of life, it was necessary to incorporate masks, alcohol gel, the countless washing of hands and social distance, but it was also necessary to learn to deal with the longing to live with those we love so much, and that's how we understand that love is not only linked to physical contact, but also to care, concern, memories and the desire to live a better future.

In the midst of the installed chaos, people needed to reinvent themselves, so it was necessary to innovate to be present. This is how video calls took off, how the treats were made via delivery and how affective relationships became more and more necessary to face fear, live with loneliness and longing. It is not being easy, but it is necessary because, in addition to saving lives, the quarantine causes this lethal virus to reduce circulation in society.


The quarantine meant that many commemorative dates were not celebrated in the way we were always used to, such as Father's Day.

Father's Day: Does the pandemic push us away or bring us closer?
Image Source / Getty Images / Canva

How to make the great hero of a son's life feel loved, feel wanted and make his day joyful and unforgettable when not even a hug can be given? How to show love, gratitude and fascination for the one who has always been a child's safe haven and point of peace?

The basis for a Father's Day in quarantine is dialogue. The daily dialogue, sharing details of the new normal, commenting on the shows, the movies and so many other things you have in common with your father. In this way, the longing will be minimized by the fact that father and children are present, even if virtually, in daily activities! The fact of knowing that both are well, safe and readapting already calms the heart.


That Sunday lunch, with Dad's favorite menu and gift deliveries, will need to be rescued in memory and transformed to preserve everyone's health, so it's possible to cook that delicious food or make a dessert that Dad likes, always respecting the measures of the Ministry of Health and delivering the delights made... This will not replace a hug, but it will show how much children care about their parents, how much they think of them with affection, with love and how much they want to rescue affective memories through something simple, like a meal.


Father's Day: Does the pandemic push us away or bring us closer?
aleksandrdavydovphotos / Canva

For those of you who unfortunately won't be able to find your dad, how about making a delivery or video call at lunchtime, afternoon movie time, or dessert time? This will lessen the sadness of not being together and give space to love, joy and gratitude for being parents and children.


The relationships of parents and children who do not live together during the quarantine can be, for many, quite painful, but even so, the love created by this strong affective bond speaks louder, leaving each one in their own home, taking care of themselves, taking care of others and dreaming of the end of the pandemic or even vaccination so that the long-awaited hug is given.

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Parents and children may even think that social distancing will damage the relationship between them, but care is so much that, little by little, they will realize that it has only intensified the love and partnership between them.

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