Family: the biggest and best treasure a person can have

Every human being has a family, whether biological or social. The family is the first social group in which we participate. In it we learn the fundamentals of a healthy and happy life. Without family, the human being would be any animal. The family humanizes us!

The family is the basis for the formation and socialization of every human being. In it we learn the rules of human coexistence. We learn to respect the other, the different. In large part, we owe the formation of our character to the family. Thus, the family is the first and most important social group.

The family, being the starting point of human formation, of socialization, be it the traditional family or in the various ways in which it presents itself today, must be a unit of affection, love, peace, respect. What's the point of a person living in a traditional family and not having their rights guaranteed?

Family: the biggest and best treasure a person can have
Jessica Rockowitz / Unsplash

The new family configurations are formed precisely because traditional families are unable to experience love and affection in their entirety. Regardless of the type of family, whether traditional or innovative, the important thing is to live in love and mutual respect.

The Federal Constitution of 1988 deals with the Family in Art. 226, stating that โ€œThe family, the basis of society, has special protection from the State. ยง 3 โ€“ For the purposes of State protection, the stable union between a man and a woman is recognized as a family entity, and the law must facilitate its conversion into marriageโ€.

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The world has changed a lot in recent years and with it the concept of family. For example, since the Federal Supreme Court recognized the stable union for same-sex couples in 2011, the concept of family has generated great debates in the country. Sociologically speaking, family is the bond of love and mutual respect that is established between people, regardless of gender.

In short, the family must be understood as the nucleus in which human beings are able to develop all their individual potential, in view of the principle of human dignity, in addition to the principles of Family Law. Finally, the family is the biggest and the best treasure that a person can have.

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