Family Constellations and Self-knowledge

Perhaps you have already noticed some “coincidences” that happen in your family and in your life. You know those behaviors, facts and situations that keep happening again, and again, and again?

Observing these occurrences and starting to ask yourself is something very important for self-knowledge.

“But why does this always happen in my family?”

This is a good question to get you to know Family Constellations better.

Anyone who has participated in a meeting or has already made an individual constellation understands what I am saying.

After all, what is Family Constellation?

First of all, we say that the Constellation is, in fact, a service to life. Something that brings even greater meaning to the life we ​​inherited from our parents and that shows us the greatness of the opportunity to be born.

Family Constellations and Self-knowledge
Jankovoy / Getty Images Pro / Canva

The Constellations have something very profound, but they are not linked to any religion. At this point, I suggest you look for our contents that talk about the true meaning of spirituality, and that, yes, can be contained in the work of the Constellations.

Why relatives?

We all come from a family, a father, a mother, uncles, grandparents, even if we don't even know them. We were born to a father and mother who allowed life to happen for us.

The Family is the main source from which we inherit learnings, beliefs and patterns that we will develop throughout life.

But is Constellation a therapy?

We can say yes and no, depending on what you mean by therapy.

It is indeed a therapy, because, through the dynamics of the Constellation, we access information that is hidden in our unconscious and that determines our behaviors and beliefs. From this awareness, it is possible to change. And if you consider that therapy is something that you do with constant, regular frequency, then Constellation is not considered a therapy, because there is no rule for the number of sessions that need to be performed.

Constellations are great allies of psychotherapeutic processes, as they act on specific issues presented by a person.

Where did it come from?

Who organized the Constellation as we know it was Bert Hellinger:

  • Father
  • Theologian
  • Therapist
  • Missionary
  • Professor
Family Constellations and Self-knowledge
thainoipho / Canva

The work of Constellations includes several other techniques that Bert Hellinger brought throughout his studies:

  • Psychoanalysis
  • NLP
  • Primal therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Psychodrama

From there, he organized what we know as Family Constellations.

What can Family Constellation offer?

It brings a new look at our family relationships and our perceptions of everything that happens around us.

We are a bunch of information. Condensed energy, that is, energy that has become matter. We have an informational field, which is also called a morphic field (a subject for another article).

You may also like

  • How the family constellation can help conciliation cases
  • Meet Bert Hellinger, Father of Family Constellations
  • Dig deeper into the goals of Family Constellation
  • Connect with your soul family for a better life
  • Learn more about Systemic Constellation

The important thing is to understand that, based on the awareness of how we have been feeling, acting and thinking in our lives, we can change these patterns, beliefs, behaviors. We can change. All of this has a lot of science behind it, it's not just magic.

This is self-knowledge, and you will feel the moment your heart cries out for this experience.

I will be here.


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