Eye of Horus: Meaning and Use of this Spiritual Symbol

Throughout history, many beliefs and religions have prevailed in different parts of the world, each with particular gods, symbols and faiths. The people of Ancient Egypt, for example, had their own gods, their own rituals (such as mummification) and their own amulets. Even one of them was the Eye of Horus!

We prepared this article to introduce you to all the details of what was one of the most powerful amulets, according to the Egyptian people. Know what the Eye of Horus is, the origin of this spiritual symbol, what it means, how to use it and what benefits it can bring to those who believe in its powers.

What is the Eye of Horus?

Also known by the Arabic word “udyat”, which can be translated as “rising star” or “right eye”, the Eye of Horus is a symbol part of Egyptian mythology.
In short, it represents one of the eyes of the hawk-headed god Horus, who was the god of the heavens and of life. His left eye represented the Sun, while his left eye represented the Moon.

Eye of Horus: Meaning and Use of this Spiritual Symbol
Manuel Velasco from Getty Images Signature/Canva

Therefore, the Eye of Horus is nothing more than a representation of the right eye of the god Horus, the one that represents the Sun. Its shape has slight variations, but it is usually represented by a half-open eye topped by an eyebrow and, below, a curved line running to the left, while another goes straight under the eye.

Origin of the Eye of Horus

The supposed power of the Eye of Horus amulet comes from the legend of the god Horus itself. According to this myth, the god Horus entered into a deadly confrontation with the god Set and won. However, in that fatal battle, he ended up losing his right eye. Therefore, to replace him, he had an amulet made with the same shape as his eye, but formed by serpents.

After winning this clash with Set, Horus became the god of the living, something like the supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon. That's why it was common for the Egyptian pharaohs to want the blessings and power related to this deity, as she was considered the most powerful.

So many pharaohs had the symbol of the Eye of Horus carved on the tip of their crowns, which, little by little, began to be used also by common people of Ancient Egypt, resisting time and even transcending the culture of this ancient people.

Therefore, the origin of the Eye of Horus is Ancient Egypt, but it is difficult to pinpoint exactly at which point in this civilization it emerged. It is estimated to have been at the beginning of this people, between 3.100 BC and 2.055 BC

What does Eye of Horus mean?

In short, the Eye of Horus means the power of the Sun, which was the strength represented by the right eye of the god Horus, the one he lost in battle. As the Egyptians associated the Sun with life, to prosperity, joy, abundance, fertility and power, we can say that this is the meaning of the Eye of Horus of life.

Eye of Horus: Meaning and Use of this Spiritual Symbol
Peopleimages de Getty Images Signature / Canva

When Egyptian society modernized and explored science and anatomy, rather than the advancement of these fields nullifying the ancient myths, they amalgamated. So the Eye of Horus, for example, became a symbol of the pineal gland, a part of our brain that produces melatonin and regulates our sleep, for example.

As it is in the center of our forehead, the Eye of Horus was considered by many to be a kind of “third eye”, positioned between the two anatomical eyes. At the time, Egyptian mystics, who also studied science, believed that this third eye connected matter (the body) with the soul.

Symbolism of the Eye of Horus

The symbology of the Eye of Horus is quite vast. As few, even in Egypt, still believe in Egyptian mythology, it is correct, in a way, to say that the initial meaning of the amulet has been lost, since, initially, it was a request for strength and protection to the god Horus. But other meanings can be taken from this amulet.

The best known symbolism of the Eye of Horus today is that this amulet is capable of warding off envy and the evil eye. It is not known where this belief came from, but it is in line with the original myth, as Horus (god of life) lost his eye when facing Set (god of destruction), who killed his father, Osiris, out of envy.

So if you believe that this amulet can ward off negative energies from your life, that's what matters.

Also, another common use of the Eye of Horus is among members of the secret society of Freemasonry. That is, among Freemasons, this amulet is known as “The All-Seeing Eye” and represents the omniscience of the Great Architect of the Universe, as the supreme god is called among those who are part of society.

Eye of Horus: Meaning and Use of this Spiritual Symbol
hemro / Shutterstock

How to use the Eye of Horus

There are no specific rules when using the Eye of Horus amulet. As its meaning is spiritual, it doesn't matter how you use it, as long as you believe in its protective power against negative energies.

The most practical ways to wear this amulet is in the form of accessories, such as pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, among others. Those who really believe in the power of this amulet usually even tattoo it on some part of the body, because, in this way, they believe that they will be protected in an uninterrupted way.

What is important to emphasize for those who decide to use the amulet as an accessory is: avoid jewelry and always try to buy objects in metal, which is a conductor of spiritual energies. From time to time, wash the amulet under running water and let it dry in the sun, as it represents solar energies.

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Anyway, these are the main information about the origin, symbolism and powers of the Egyptian amulet known as the Eye of Horus. If you believe that it can remove negative energies from your walk, incorporate it into your clothing and your routine and reap the benefits of this protection and empowerment.

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