Exterogestation: pregnancy after 9 months

Pregnancy does not end after delivery. Don't believe it? So get to know exterogestation, pregnancy after 9 months. Learn why this period is so important for the baby.
The exterogestation theory

The idea of ​​extending pregnancy until the baby's first trimester is from anthropologist Ashley Montagu, however, it gained strength with pediatrician Harvey Karp. Exterogestation is basically the baby's adaptation to life outside the womb.

This transition is important, because the child needs to understand, among other things, that his feeding will be every three hours and not constantly as it was in the mother's belly through the umbilical cord, explains the pediatrician of the Department of Breastfeeding, Moises Chencinski.

Exterogestation in practice

Carrying the baby in the sling helps the baby a lot. This practice is common in the Kung tribe living in Southern Africa. The women of this community take their children to work in the fields and the child has easy access to the mother's breast. Sleeping in the same room as the parents for the first three months also facilitates the beginning of extrauterine life. But there are others and we have separated 4 techniques to practice exterogestation, see what they are:

Or mantra “Shhhh, Shhhh…”

For adults it sounds like the sound of the sea. For babies, it reminds him of what he heard in the womb. Imagine the mess it is to spend nine months listening to that sound and arriving in a world where everyone whispers and tiptoes. They feel very alone and get nervous.

When the baby is crying, place your mouth between 10 and 20 cm away from the baby and say “shhh”. Increase the intensity until you reach the baby's cry. If you have other children, teach them the technique for calming your little brother. Try replacing the “shhh” with the sound of running water or CD's with waterfall or sea sounds.

Exterogestation: pregnancy after 9 months

Attention to visits

The newborn absorbs energy from the environment and people. Ask family and friends to call ahead of visits. Also ask that they do not take children, do not attend during feedings, do not smoke before and during the visit, do not use perfume and apply alcohol gel to their hands.

Carry the baby sideways

Carry your newborn on its side, it also relaxes the child. A variation of this position is to leave him on your lap on his stomach, with his tummy in your hand and arms and legs loose. But, attention, never put the child to sleep on his stomach.


Indian massage is great for relieving cramps. Pediatrician Alessandro Danes, who works at Hospital Sírio Libanês (São Paulo), explains that massage is recommended in the first few days. Made on the chest, it improves breathing and soothes so much that it makes changing diapers easier. It should always be done at the same time and with sweet almond or chamomile vegetable oil.

If exterogestation is the prolongation of pregnancy, does a woman become a mother only when she discovers it? Explore.

Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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